Dont Listen To Those Who let you down.

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To Those who doesn't give confident nor good advices.
Stop trusting them and trust those who are helpful to you.
Sometimes to the people we trust alot ends up hurting us by words.
You shouldn't cry for them, Think about the people who support you, Gives Great Advices and Confidents.
Even if no one is there for you, Think about yourself.
Your a special person that shouldn't care about hate.
They could be jealous or don't have great skills like you.
Beauty wont help it. The beauty of your heart will
Don't think of a hater, Support yourself.
Why hate or call yourself words when your heart is beautiful.
Has Lack of Confidence? Be a shooting star that goes from the moon.
Always Believe yourself and Never let anyone let you down.
Nothing is impossible ♡


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