In the Rain

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The girl sat on the grass at the edge of Starsnatch Cliff. Her hat only just clinging onto her head and her hair waving in the strong currents of wind. She sighed as she let her legs swing off the cliff's peak

"Where is that idiot anyways..."

She carefully stood up and brushed off the grass that stuck to her cape. The astrologist swept her hair off of her shoulder and adjusted her hat before placing her hand on her hips

"I suppose he won't come today either..."

She sighed and turned around to be met by a boy smirking at her

"I'm not coming huh?" He opened his arms for a hug just to receive a slap from the other

"You could've come earlier you know!!"

The girl snapped at the male standing before her and then she smiled

"Glad to see your annoying face again, Scaramouche"

"The same could be said to you dear Mona, the greatest idiot in Teyvat"

Mona huffed and took off the metal covers that hold the ends of her twin tails together. She put the covers inside her purse before sitting back down at the cliff's edge. Scaramouche took off his hat and placed it beside her bag before sitting down next to her

"So, how was your day Mr. Harbinger?"

"It's been quite mundane until I saw you~"

The flirtatious dialogue came to no surprise to Mona as he had been behaving like this for the past two months of them secretly meeting. With Scaramouche being a fatui harbinger, no one trusts him or anyone he's with. The two had sworn an oath to make sure their secret meet-ups stayed a secret.

The only person who knows about their secret is Princess Fischl. She had witnessed Mona talking to herself about when to meet Scaramouche and had found out about their friendship.

Mona had been rethinking her problems but Scaramouche interrupted her thoughts

"Hey uh... Mona?"

His quiet voice pierced through her mind and immediately caught her attention

"What is it Scara?"

The nickname came from Mona trying to disrespect the harbinger but it eventually grew into a nickname that proves their friendship and it became something more meaningful then disrespectful.

"Well uh... I saw this necklace and I immediately thought of you..."

He reached into his pocket and took out a small box. Scaramouche opened the box to reveal a silver necklace with sparkling stars embellishing the delicate chain.

"Scara... why did you buy it?? I-it must have been super-duper expensive!!!"

The male looked down to hide his puffy red cheeks. Mona had noticed but brushed it off.

"I bought it because I thought I should thank you for your friendship over the past months..." He scratched the back of his neck and chuckled nervously "Do you like it...?"

"You idiot.. I love it!!"

Scaramouche smiled happily and Mona took off her hat. He took the piece of jewellery out of the box and clipped it around her neck. The stars sparkled in the moonlight, just as the moonlight sparkles in her beautiful blueish gray eyes.

"It looks gorgeous on you..."

Mona let out a small giggle

"Thank you for getting it for me..."

In the Rain~ A Scaramona AUWhere stories live. Discover now