Chapter Eighteen

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Bella's POV

Nat had gathered us all in the Astronomy Tower. By all of us I of course mean the boys as well. What started as a girls only gathering ended up as three couples and me, sat with my feet over the ledge staring out at the stars. The Twins had managed to smuggle Butterbeer bottles from Hogsmeade through some secret passageway which I was grateful for as I cracked open my third bottle of the night. Even as someone sat beside me, I took a rather large sip. 

"You may want to slow down a bit. I'm not saying this as your prefect, but as your friend." Cedric was kind enough, but it was difficult to see him as a friend and not someone who just hung around because he was interested in my friend. 

"You don't have to pretend to be my friend just because you like Emma. In fact, I think you should just ask her to be official already. Every day you don't is one less day you have together at Hogwarts." 

"You know I wouldn't befriend you just to get closer with her. That would be manipulative and I'd like to think I'm better than that. So, let's talk about what's stopping you from doing the same?" He asked, gently nudging my shoulder with his own. It was  a fair question in its own right, but not one I quite desired answering to Cedric Diggory. 

"I think I'm gonna head out for some fresh air." Cedric tried to stop me, likely under the impression he had offended me, but I left the tower without looking back and walked through the dimly lit castle until I reached the entry to the Kitchens in the dungeons. 

I tried my best to pry to entrance open but the portrait wouldn't budge. "How is it you know exactly where the entrance to the Kitchens is but not how to get in?" Turning, I saw Draco oddly without his goons. "Tickle the pear." 

"I think I'd rather feed myself to the Giant Squid, thank you very much." I scoffed and started back down the hall as quick as I could but heard Draco shout. 

"Wait! On the portrait! I know I'm quite insufferable, believe me I've heard, but to get into the kitchens you have to tickle the pear on the portrait. You'd think all that time your friends spend with those awful twins someone would've told you that by now." I heard the distinct creak of the portrait swinging open. "Well, are you coming or not?" 

I caught myself wondering for a moment what Draco might be like when he isn't surrounded by his idiot friends or being fawned over by Pansy Parkinson. Maybe he had a different side to him that my friends and I hadn't seen quite yet. I wanted to see it. "Yeah, wait up." Draco held open the portrait and let me walk through before closing it behind the both of us. Through the entryway was rows of tables where house elves worked on cleaning plates and preparing what looked to be pastries for tomorrows breakfast. 

"Good evening, Miss. I don't believe I know your name but I'm happy to help." A small, sweet looking house elf spoke and offered me a smile.

"I'm Bella. What's your name?" I said as I kneeled to be eye level with the elf who was quite small even for her species. 

"I'm Junie, Miss Bella. Can I get you anything?" The way she looked up at me was so precious I couldn't help but smile and knew I would be visiting the Kitchens again soon if only to see the elf in front of me. 

"Some pumpkin pasties and hot chocolate." Draco said as he sat himself at the end of a table. 

"The usual, of course Master Malfoy." I watched Junie run off and sat myself across from Draco. 

"How often do you come in here?" I asked looking around the room to see dinnerware floating from the massive sink into the waiting hands of house elves who quickly dried it and levitated it onto rather large piles. I knew there were a lot of students but seeing all the gold plates stacked up made me realize just how many of my classmates I didn't know. 

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