Chapter 2

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"My...soul?" The redundant question fell from my lips as Satan crouched down in front of me, gripping my chin tightly between his index finger and thumb while his intense red gaze remained fixated on my colored hues.

"That's right, sweetcheeks," His tongue partially unfurled from his mouth, the wet organ lightly pressing against my left cheekbone as I quickly shut my mouth, "I don't care how you give it to me, but that breath of life that you have is now mine."

"Ours," The sharp tone of the other demon seemed to catch Satan off-guard, the red-clothed figure quickly turning around to glare at Beelzebub.

"Yeah, yeah..." Not even hiding the displeasure in his voice, I tried pulling my chin away from his hand.

"Wait!" I felt Satan's grip tighten more as I tried to pry myself away, my frightened eyes looking up into his eyes before switching to the passive glance of Beelzebub, "I don't think my soul is tasty enough for you yet!"

Satan paused in his movement, his tongue slipping back into his mouth before letting out a raucous laughter.

"It doesn't matter to me, wench," His fingers barely loosened their grip as Satan stood up, dragging me up with him, "Every soul is delicious no matter the condition."

"Then...what about you?" I quickly looked over to Beezelbub, the blue-dressed demon still standing by the overturned couch. He crossed his arms over his chest as his red eyes briefly locked with mine before switching to stare at Satan.

"Her soul isn't ripe enough for me yet."

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" Satan roared in anger, slamming me down to the ground as he spun to face the other Prince of Hell, "You're gonna let her sweet talk her way out of your hands?! It's just half! No one's gonna fucking care if it's not the taste you want!"

"I will," Beelzebub took a step over the couch as he advanced towards the red-clothed demon, "This is my contract and if her soul isn't to my taste, then I won't complete it."

"You..." The air began to swirl around Satan, an aura like fire starting to waft from his clothes and hair as the thin demonic tail whipped around like some agitated snake, "The Prince of Gluttony is really going to allow some human to interfere with his contract?!"

"I will not allow the contract to be fulfilled until her soul is suitable for my tastes," Beelzebub didn't flinch away from the approaching Prince, his eyes narrowing in a challenge as both demons faced off.

"Your 'tastes' will take too long for her to achieve! Just eat the damn soul now and move on to the next contract!" Satan snarled in Beelzebub's face, sharp fangs flashing behind the wicked sneer, "It's why you've taken your time with every single fucking contract you've taken for those damn musicians! Not every soul can be satisfied before a sudden death."

"And not every soul needs to be stolen in the heat of passion, Satan!" Beelzebub hissed back, his own fangs showing in response, "You may not have refined tastes like I do, but you will respect my decision."

"Why the fuck would I?!"

"Because it's still MY CONTRACT!" The roar from the blue-clothed demon was deafening, causing me to clamp my hands over my ears as I stayed as still as I could after Satan threw me into the ground, not wanting to draw either of their attention to me. The wind around the two demons stirred itself into a frenzy as one of them yelled in anger before the sound suddenly cut out, the atmosphere eerily still.

I tentatively opened my eyes and released my ears, both curious and worried about what happened within my apartment.

Beelzebub stood alone in the middle of a large scorch mark that almost spanned the entire floor of the living room, his eyes now dark and empty of the vicious red glow they held earlier.

Making Her Mine (Akuma!Osomatsu x Reader x Akuma!Karamatsu)Where stories live. Discover now