being an art teacher is hard, but how hard can it be to teach U.A. sutents?
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𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈 𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 to the gates of U.A. only to find them surrounded by a bunch of people. They were all trying to enter the school grounds and they had cameras, they were the thing I hated the most. Reporters.
I tried walking past them but they came to me and a mic was shoved in front of my face. I looked at the reporter dead in the eye while he had sparks in his eyes.
"Could you tell us how is it to work with All Might?" He asked while I just stared at him. I ignored him and passed the massive gates. I looked at the reporters and then I realized there were two figures trying to calm the commotion, Shota and Hizashi.
"All Might's not on campus today." He said in a bored tone while he shooed the reporters with his hand. "Now get outta here, you've disturbed my students enough already."
I walked over to them and Shota eyed me and nodded at me. I looked at him and them at Hizashi who was proudly talking to the camera about himself. I sighed and glared at a reporter that was trying to take my attention.
I just finished my class and I was packing my art supplies. In my table there were tons of little clay cups made by the students. I looked at them and sighed, I was going to lose a lot of time by bringing them to the teacher's lounge.
I took my bag and put it over my shoulder and I grabbed a couple of cups. I started making my way to the door when a blonde student appeared in front of me.
"Onishi-sensei!" He greeted while smiling brightly. "Can I help you bring those cups wherever you are taking them?" He asked excitedly. I looked at him, he was just a little shorter than me.
"Do as you want, Togata" I said boredly. "I must take them to the teacher's lounge and put them in a box I have there. Do not break any of them or I'll make you fail my class." I threatened while I looked at him, he was picking up a couple of cups carefully.
"Yes sir!" He replied while looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to make my way to our destination. I started walking through the hallways and he followed me happily. "Sensei, may I ask a question?"
"Of course"
"I heard that you studied here at U.A., and you aimed for the hero course." He said while looking at me. "If you wanted to be a hero, then why are you teaching art instead of doing hero work?" He asked curiously, waiting for an answer.
"I didn't want to become a hero." I answered, making him slouch his shoulders.
"But you'd be a great hero!" He said excitedly.
"I really don't think so."
"Yeah! Think about it, sensei!" He looked at me and I glanced at him boredly. "You could be 'The Painting Hero: Feather'! You'd be so popular! You could help those who need to be saved and meanwhile, you could paint people at the street!" He exclaimed. He was so excited about it that he almost dropped a cup.
I thought about it, being a hero. Is it really worthy? My quirk isn't made to save people, it's made for what I do: painting. And that's something everybody reminds me. My mum always said to me that 'my quirk isn't made to be a hero, it's something you can't save people with'. I sighed, my mom wasn't an encouraging person, at least not for me.
"Sensei?" Togata said while he waved carefully his hand in front of my face making me snap out of my thoughts. "We are here." He looked at the door and then at me again.
"Sorry." I knocked the door with my elbow. Seconds passed and Nemuri opened the door curiously.
"'Shi!" She said happily while letting me enter, Togata following after Nemuri waved at him. "You've brought help! Is Togata your new favourite in the class?" She asked teasingly while she approached me.
Nemuri and I were close friends. She was a little straightforward but I didn't mind that, I was already used to her extravagant personality. She had been friends with me since I starded studying at U.A.
"Hi Nem'" I said while leaving everything I had in a table. Mirio gave me the cups he had and I started putting them in a box carefully. I looked at her and sighed. "You know I have no favourite students, most of them are pretty anoying."
"Yes, I know. You and your 'calling everyone annoying' habit." She said while laughing a little and she approached me and grabbed one of the cups that was on the table. "These are pretty ugly if you ask me."
"That one's mine" Mirio said while he was trying his best not to look a little disappointed at his crafting skills.
"Oh! Sorry Togata!" Nemuri said regretfully. "But I must say, you have to improve this or 'Shi is going to make a fuss about how everyone he teaches is an absolute disappointment." She said while letting an amused grin come into her face.
"Togata, let's go and bring more cups from the class." I said while I left the classroom, making my way to the class again.
"Of course!" He said while he started following me. Honestly, I don't know what keeps this kid so happy all the time.
We brought all the cups to the teacher's lounge and he finally said goodbye to Nemuri and I. I went to my bag and unpacked my lunch. I made my way to the school's yard and I sat under a tree. I unpacked my food and started eating, it wasn't much because I'm not the best cook you've ever seen but it was just what I needed.
"WARNING. LEVEL THREE SECURITY BREACH." The school's announcer said startling me and interrupted my eating. "ALL STUDENTS PLEASE EVACUATE THE BUILDING IN AN ORDERLY FASHION." It said and I sighed while eyeing my half-eaten lunch.