15. Staying?

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3 weeks later...

Fuli: hey Rani!

Rani: hey Fuli! can we talk?

Fuli: yep.

Rani: so...do you think you could stay...i'm sorry for asking! i..uh...oh...sorry i mean uh! i just really need friends! but i u...understand if you say no!

Fuli: Rani, i need some time to think...

Rani: Fuli i get it! 100%!

Fuli walks to a secret place.

Fuli: King Mufasa!

Clouds Forming.

Mufasa: Fuli! the leader of the Animal Guard! what do you need my dear?

Fuli: should i stay here? or go back?

Mufasa: do you want to go back? because i personally think you should do what makes happy Fuli my dear.

Fuli: i don't want to go back...i love it here...my best friends are all here...the Pride Lands don't seem like home...not without Kion...

Mufasa: i understand Fuli...do you want me to tell them?

Fuli: yes please, thank you!

Mufasa: okay, i will dear!

Fuli: thank you!

Mufasa: no problem!

he then fades away...

The Pride Lands...

Kiara: when do you think Fuli will be back?

Kovu: i'm not sure honey...

Simba: King Kovu Queen Kiara!

Kovu: no need to use formality's!

Simba: okay, but my father Mufasa wants to talk to us...ALL of us...

Nala: he does?

Simba: yes.

~Clouds Forming~

Kovu: wow...

Mufasa: Son Fuli will not be coming back...she will be staying at the Tree of Life...

Simba: okay....

Kovu: who do we make the new leader your majesty...

Mufasa: your sister and her friends...

Kovu: okay sir!

Simba: yes father...


Fuli: Rani!

Rani: yes Fuli?

Fuli: i don't know about the others...but i will stay...

Rani: thank you!

Animal Guard: we will stay to!

Rani: thank you all! i needed you guys so much! it means the world!

What If Kion Died? | Lion Guard Where stories live. Discover now