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"Miss Martian, Robin, Kid Flash, head to the warehouse on the left. Artemis and I will go to the right."

"You got it, boss," Wally said before saluting Aqualad and speeding off towards the warehouse. Leaving Robin and Miss Martian to play catch up.

 Once they entered the warehouse though, the doors slammed shut, and a manic laugh rang through the building. While the trio was looking for the source of the laughter, a figure emerged from the shadows. Robin quickly hit his com so the other could hear the figure.

"Well well well, I didn't think that the Justice League would send their little kiddies to do their work for them." The man laughed

"Hey! Who you calling a kid!" Wally yelled

The man laughed "Well, you of course!"

"Well! Tatta, for now, little ones."

He then turned around and disappeared into the shadows once again. Though once the man was out of sight a fog, mist really, seemly coming from nowhere, started to flood the room. The light blue gas was almost up to their chests in less than a second. 

"Don't breathe it in!" Robin yelled frantically

Though by the time he yelled it was too late, Miss Martian hit the floor, followed soon by Wally. Robin struggled for a little while longer before the world went dark and he collapsed with his friends.

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