The lat chapter

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- mia sam shouted mia , you killed the man ? Mia you are a hero.. Mia!!
- thanks mia , you saved my life . .
-mia now everything is fine you saved this world you are a hero..
We went home & had a dinner .. After the dinner sam told me to come with him & we went to the garden..
- mia i need to tell you something..
- i know.. You will tell me that you love barbican!!
- no , that is not it, well it is so, bit its not what i mean!!! I LOVE YOU..
- w.. What?? Finally .. After 11 years you told me that!! Ah thanks god!!
But mom , dad & alex were near & they heard everything
- well congarts mia !! Mom said..
- we hear everything!! & we r happy about you!
I was really happy, after that day everything returned to normality .. The life started to be as it was before the appearance of zombie !!
But only one thing changed !!
This is the end of the story.. I wish you enjoyed reading it! Here is small epilogue:
After 10 years sam & mia had kids , that lived barbican , & then these kid of their kids also loved barbican , and then kids of these kids loves barbican ..
Just a joke!! Mia & sam r still teenagers!! & they started to date! Alex also found a boyfriend , & mias mom & dad bought a new home!
Mia is a hero !! & that is the story about brave Mia !!
^ mia is a hero ^

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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