Chapter One 🌹

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11:34 PM

I rolled the windows up, waving at my fans goodbye, leaving to head back to the hotel. I couldn't wait to get there and try to relax before my flight back to neverland and back to my fiance Lisa. But what hurts the most is not how the fans see me, it the tortuous way the media has been riding me about my skin. My skin condition has grown out of my control and I couldn't help it.

I grabbed my phone and called Frank my manager. He's been with me for years and been my friend for the longest.

"Hey Frank.. I think it's getting worst." I said as I tapped my finger in frustration on the window.

"I seen them Mike man.. but look past the shit!! Fuck them. And besides aren't y'all about to get married.. you and Lisa?" He asked.

"Well yeah.. she seemed to be going along with it just fine, Frank. But I just cant fathom about how something bad is getting ready to happen." I said as I then looked at the city lights above me.

"Man. Everytime you say that shit, something does happen." He said.

And he was definitely right. The last time I said this Tatiana had became a stalker to me and tried to ruin me. I had to cover a whole bunch of shit because of her. I'm glad she left California never to be seen or heard from again.

"But this is different.. I think it's me this time. Like something is going to happen to me Frank. The media already fucking my nerves up." I said.

The driver stops at a red light, "Stop at the KFC and order the original 20 piece." I said. The drive nods and he parked the car grabbing the money from me, heading to the restaurant.

"Mike.. I have known you for years now. If anything happens, you know I will always be there for you. But I really think that after awhile, everything is going to be fine. I'm not going to lie..." There was a long pause.. I knew he was taking three puffs out of that stinking ass cigar.. he does that when he gets stressed.

"I'm tired of TMZ productions, they take too much shit and run with it. I'm sick of the bullshit too." He said.

I took a deep breath and sighed. My whole life has been in truth. I was tired of the frustration, the way my perfectionism is, I shouldn't pay that shit no mind.. but that's the hard part. Everything isn't easy when its dealing with you. I have to walk around sometimes shielding my face because I'm almost feeling like I am alone but I know that I am not because I got Lisa.. well I think.. no!! I know I got Lisa.

Once my driver comes back with my food. We headed to the back entrance of the hotel. I had the whole penthouse level blocked off and the only people who could come was the body guards and Frank. Did I mention that I asked Lisa to marry me.. yes.. I asked her for marriage in front of a live crowd. I was winning an award and I invited her on stage. The crowd went insane and as I reached in for a kiss, I became happy and a man that a woman dreamed of.. or so I thought.

When I get into the room, the bodyguards stayed close by and I sat my food down. I took out some pajamas, I plugged my phone up and warmed up the shower. I turned on the television to see a new news flash with that stupid bitch Nancy Grace.

"I mean what exactly do we have here? The king of Pop.. Bleaching his skin.  Oh come on man.. where is the sensitivity in all of this. How can you must dismay your originality, just to form a colorism act.. your music is changing the world, but you can't change who you represent. And we take a break."

I turned the television to some smooth r&b.. I hate that bitch anyway.. she wasn't my type but someone who I would love to tell the exact truth of my skin and well being was Oprah Winfrey one day.

I am Michael Jackson... I am a 30 year old man with a fiancee named Lisa Presley. For once I would like to be happy get married to my fiancee and have my four to five kids... I love to laugh, smile, draw, and I love children. And one day I will give love to all the children including my own.

I would love to be happy for once and not worry about the media. I have virtilgo and its changing my skin color. I wear makeup and grew fond of liking it no matter what nigga or bitch ass interviewer or reporter had to say. My family has my back in this but my father.. we just cannot get along right now.

He didn't treat me like he was supposed to as a father. I have been in this music industry since I was four or five years old and I got my ass whooped every day. We had to be in first place all the time and it didn't have shit to do with because we wanted it so bad.  My father wanted us to win it all and if we didn't practice hard enough it was a belt or the belt buckle to the body.  I have those scars and most of them i took for my own siblings. And then on to my preteen it only got worse.

I hate to think about this.. it hurts so much. This is what I have to go through and every time I spoke about this. I could feel the pressure in my chest and the pains on my back. Just from remembering everything that had occur when I was a child growing up. It's so emotional.

Will anyone be there... for me.. ? Why am I feeling like something is going to happen to me. I hate this feeling its making me feel bad. I can't wait to go home to my fiancee. She made me happy.. I think she does.

End of Chapter..
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