The Battle Of R17

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A big, white eagle flew to the skies of Colony R17, clapping its majestic wings up and down, up and down. James watched the eagle flying and for one moment he forgot how cold it was and all he did was imagining what it was like to fly. Fly like a bird, a big white bird. This feeling of freedom was interupted by a loud sound. A hollow screaming sound filled the air, and creeped out even the bravest of all. They all knew what was about to come, James shrivered. The seconds aftefwards were pure chaos, soldiers marched trough the streets taking in their battle positions, aircrafts dooming from behind the hill and soldiers dressed in bright white armour, wielding AR-58's and taking covef behind hoover tanks. James' squad commander started shouting orders. "James and Ira, go and arm the AA-52 and get does ships out of the air!" James and his friend Ira ran to the nearest aird defence gun and started shooting laser bullets at the enemy, James sat on the main seat and fired continuisly at every ship he saw. "Alpha down! I repeat Alpha down!" James heard over the radio that point Alpha had fallen. Alpha was weakest point in Erkanda's defence. It had been re-enforced with cannons and an esqaudron of RE-264 airplanes but the airplanes were directly blown up by enemy bombing vessels. "Preparing for Strike-7 in area-13!" James heart skipped a beat, area-13 was were he lived! They wanted to blew it up! What if his younger sister was still their?! For a moment he wasn't focussing on shooting and the moment he realised that he stopped firing he saw that Ira's lower body was completely gone! James felt pure guilt which almost instantly turned into hatred, he launched his AA-52 and went to airplane mode, he was fully protected by a forcefield but transforming to an airplane was only done when evacuating never as a weapon. "AA-52 Serie 342 land now, I repeat land now" but James didn't care about orders anymore. He saw a Hoover tank and started firing his four 40mm laser cannons, easily destroying the tank and the soldiers around it. While he was flying through the air dodging bullets and firing at hover tanks, an esquadron of F-842's launched behind him preparing to attack the big troop dropper behind him. But before they could even aim at the ship, a gigantic energy pulse destroyed them all at once, from behind the hill, a huge aircraft carrier like airship rose in the sky. Firing its main batteries and secondary batteries at the city center. James knew they were trying to disable their force field and so he directly changed course. He flew at the airships dodging all lasers that came his way, he knew that he could only destroy it from the inside, he tried landing his ship on the carrier but being a hundred metres away from the ship he was blown backwards by a strong forceshield. His AA-52 got smashed into the ground, destroying all 40mm laser cannons and leaving only the protection sphere undmaged. His AA-52 or what was left from it rolled over hit a stone and smacked into nearby ice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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