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     Fire and Ice

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     Fire and Ice. It was always one of the two that would end the world. But in all actuality, it was humanity. And all it took was one press of a button for the world to be blown into a blank slate for the Antichrist himself.

The Apocalypse - September 12th, 2020

     There was running everywhere. People ran out of stores, ran out into the streets, and were even throwing themselves off buildings. The bombs were coming for the US and Laila Castiel, along with her family, didn't even know it. They had been having a good day spending time with each other as usual when the news suddenly appeared on their living room tv. The black male reporter was saying his goodbyes before being cut off.

     This wasn't real was it? Laila thought to herself. No no. Of course not. It was just some silly prank the government was pulling and she wasn't going to fall for it. Laila was stubborn that way. Anything that even remotely scared her, made her to decide those things just didn't exist or happen. But that's when two people showed up wearing black suits and had what seemed to be soldiers behind them. One of the people in suits was a woman. She had short brunette hair and brown eyes. She looked muscular which immediately told Laila she couldn't fight her way out of whatever was happening. The other person in the black suit was a tall man with a bald head and crystal blue eyes. He was also very muscular but was vastly stronger than the strong woman beside him.

"Laila Castiel. You need to come with us." The sheer fear in Laila's mothers' eyes made Laila scared for what might come next. "Why do you need my baby!" Laila's mother demanded and explanation as to why the people barged into her home demanding her daughter go with them. The woman in the suit approached the now scared and fearful mother of Laila and began to somewhat comfort her. "We are Laila's only chance to survive. Either you willingly cooperate, or we force it. It's your choice. But I'd rather not make a scene in front of the children." The woman said facing Laila and her crying little brother and sister.

     Not wanting to scar her siblings for the rest of their short lives, Laila agrees to leave. As they put Laila in a black SUV, she had a question for the woman in black. "What's so special about me that puts me in a position to survive?" Laila asked with uncertainty in her tone. The woman just looked back at Laila in the rear view mirror with a smirk. "You submitted your DNA to an ancestry website. Your unique genetic makeup makes you one of the most prime candidates for survival."


In the span of minutes of what felt like hours, the black SUV had pulled up to a building that seemed too small to be a fallout shelter or a shelter of any kind. As the woman and man in black got out of the car, Laila was pulled and dragged into the small shelter by the soldiers that accompanied the two agent like people in black. As Laila struggled to keep up, practically being dragged by her arms, she started questioning the people. "Where are we? Who are you people? What do you want from me?!" Laila was now in a cage like place where there were two other 'survivors' in holding. "We are in a secure enough bunker to survive the blast. This is a place the cooperative can keep you safe until transfer to outpost three."

Outpost three? What the hell is an outpost and why was there one ready for the apocalypse? Laila was genuinely confused. Her copper red hair was now ruffled and a mess while she had bruises on her legs and arms from being dragged inside. But before Laila could notice these things for herself, she heard a feminine voice come from above her. "I'm Emily. Are you ok?" The girl named Emily spoke kindly to Laila. Laila gave no word until the boy above her and below Emily spoke to her as well. "My names Timothee, did they tell you anything about important about why we're here?" Laila nodded her head no. "Nothing." She said, and it wasn't until a giant BOOM that Emily got her answer. Timothee started crying after falling to his knees while Emily started hyperventilating. Laila was just calm. Or so she seemed. She was actually in shock and couldn't move.


Two Weeks Later - September 26th, 2020

"We are taking you to an outpost equipped for long term habitation." The man in black said. "It's one of ten around the world." The woman then chimed in. "All made within minimal fallout zones." She finished. "Are there other people there?" Emily asked them. It was a good question. Laila didn't know if she could live with herself, by herself, for the rest of the apocalypse which would probably be for the rest of her life. "Others like you, and those who can afford to purchase a ticket." The man replied. "Rich people. Of course." Emily said sarcastically. "Their money helped fund this operation." The man replied to her remark. He didn't seem to happy about Emily not being thankful for their money.

Once they arrived at the destination, the agents threw some yellow hazmat suits at the three chosen survivors. Being forced to put them on, they were left outside the front gat as the tank/vehicle drove off in the thick smog and radiation. The three of them looked at each other in complete and utter confusion before the gate began to clank open by what seemed to be by itself. With minimal hesitation, the three survivors began to walk toward what seemed to be like a giant statue that belonged in a grand garden of sorts. Approaching the structure, there was someone in what looked like a plague doctor suit waiting for them.

Getting closer and closer to the entrance of the outpost, something had caught Laila's attention. It was two people on their knees begging for their lives. There was also two people behind them in similar outfits as the person leading the way. But without hesitation, the two with guns pulled the trigger causing the two innocent people's lifeless bodies to fall over onto the harsh dead ground. Evidently Laila wasn't the only one to notice because Timothee and Emily were also distraught by the events of what just happened.

Entering the outpost and being decontaminated was an easy and quick portion of the tour. Once in a dreary lit hallway, the three survivors were met by who seemed to be the head of the outpost.

"My name is Wilhimenia Venable.
Welcome to Outpost Three."


A/N: Hi there! I'm so sorry that this is actually so terrible to start off the story with, but I wanted to do this properly and start from the very beginning of the season and play things out similar to the show. I do have my own plot twists and character archs planned for this story and I also have an ending already so please stay tuned for that and please let me know how you feel about the first chapter. Any support given is greatly appreciated!

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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