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A few days after the honeymoon, Taekwoon gained some weight, and Hakyeon has been cuddling him more.
"you're so cute."
Taekwoon blushes and hides under the blanket. "I'm chubby.."
Hakyeon lifts the blanket. "You're a healthy weight. please don't do diets. you don't need them." He looks into Taekwoon's eyes. "Please? for me?"

Taekwoon nods and smiles softly, he latches onto Hakyeon. "snuggles for the smol bean."

"Who is?"

Taekwoon whines.

Hakyeon chuckles and snuggles him.

I love you Taekwoonie

The Second husband of HakyeonWhere stories live. Discover now