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"Hey, Ben! Get your ass down here there's a package for you!" Ben heard Jeff shout through his overpriced, obviously useless, noise-canceling headphones. He groaned to himself as he paused the game he was playing and saved it. He got up and started walking downstairs to see Jeff sitting on the kitchen counter sharpening one of his, already very sharp, knives.

"What is it?" he asked looking at Jeff with a confused and slightly annoyed expression.

"The fuck am I supposed to know? It's your shit." He responded, with his signature 'I don't give two shits about anything' attitude.

Ben rolled his eyes and opened the door, but there wasn't a package. Before he could question what was going on, he felt a push on his shoulders and heard the door behind him slam closed. He heard maniacal cackling from the other side of the door, and he immediately wanted to punch the living daylights out of Jeff. But something hit him that stopped his thoughts right in their tracks; it was raining.

Normally that would've been fine, he had gotten more used to rain and water in general and could drink and be around it without having panic attacks like he used to. But what he couldn't handle was being soaked in it. And Jeff knew it.

He felt the wetness start to seep into his clothing as he felt the droplets start to consume him. He banged on the door, desperately trying to get back inside. He couldn't. His teleportation didn't work outside the house and he knew Jeff wouldn't open the door. The sadistic bastard.

'Nononono!' He screamed inside his head. He felt his heart speed up and his chest began to ache. He tried to breathe but his lungs wouldn't expand, as if his own ribcage was constricting his airflow. He feels his legs give out underneath him and he fell to his knees.

"You useless fucking boy!" A rough voice says. A boy in green is dragged across the linoleum tile floor.

Ben grips his hair as the intrusive thoughts and memories start flooding back. The fear paralyzes him and cements him in place.

A hard smack reverberates off the walls of the small bathroom as the man slaps the boy. "You should've died like your mother did!"

He backs up against the side of the house and sits there, rocking back and forth hugging himself.

"Doing nothing but playing games all day! Failing school! You're fucking worthless!" The man yells, grabbing the boy by the throat and lifting him up.

"This isn't real, this isn't real, this can't be happening." He mutters as if trying to convince himself.


The memories came back by the hundreds. The water was everywhere. He could feel it start to fill his lungs again. He heaved hard, trying desperately to get air, but it only seemed to let the water in quicker.

His heartbeat drummed in his ears. His head spun. His lungs were burning. The sound of yelling was overwhelming, to the point where he couldn't even tell what they were saying. He just knew one thing:

He was drowning.


(Clockwork's POV)

I walked through the forest with my hood up, carrying the groceries I had picked up while I was out. Water splashed across my feet as I walked through the puddles of water and mud to make my way to the house. Once the house was in sight I started picking up my pace, wanting to get inside as fast as possible to get out of the pouring rain. But something made me stop and pause for a second; a small figure curled up a couple of feet from the door. It took me a second before I recognized the green clothing and blond hair.

"Ben?..." I called out in confusion which soon shifted to concern and panic as I realized what was going on.

I immediately ran towards him, crouching down in front of him and dropping my bags. I took a second to look him over. He was shaking and crying. His black and red eyes were glassy and distant, he looked like he didn't even recognize me. And he was completely soaked in water.

I knew immediately that he was in the worst of it. Water was flowing freely out of his mouth, and every now and then his form would glitch or stutter. He gripped his hair tightly and covered his ears. He looked so scared and helpless. I haven't seen him look this bad during one of his attacks in almost a year.

"Ben, Ben, can you hear me? You're okay, you're safe." I said, lightly trying to pry his hands away from his ears in order for him to hear me better. He shook his head as tears continued to fall as he gripped my hands tightly. He looked up at me with his familiar black and red eyes and blood-red tears cascading down his face.

"M-make it s-s-stop..." he pleaded as he glitched and coughed up more water.

"I will, but for me to do that I need you to do some things for me okay?" I said in the calmest voice I could muster. Despite him probably being older than me (since he's, y'know, immortal) I was always protective of Ben. He's like a little brother to me. And it kills me inside to see him like this.

"Ok-kay..." He agreed, glitching again.

"Can you tell me where we are?" I asked, knowing I should try to help ground him the most I could now until he was calm enough for me to move him out of the rain. He thought for a moment as he tried to take in his surroundings.

"Home," he said after a moment.

"Okay, do you remember who lives here?" I asked slowly in a gentle tone, seeing as rushing would only make him more panicked.

"Clockwork, LJ, a-and..." he trailed off, gripping my hand. Something definitely happened between Jeff and him while I was out. But I would have to worry about that later. Right now I needed to focus on helping Ben calm back down.

"Can you tell me what this feels like?" I asked, gently placing one of his hands on the soft fur inside of my jacket.

"...Soft," he responded, feeling the fluffy texture of it.

"Good. You are okay. You are safe. It can't hurt you anymore." I repeated, softly rubbing my thumb across the back of his hand. After a few minutes, he became fully grounded and was able to breathe a bit more regularly. The glitching had also stopped, and his skin was back to his regular pale color, rather than the whitish-blue tone it was during the attack.

I helped him up and let him lean against me for support as I tried to open the door. "It's locked. The bastard locked it when he threw me out here." He stated, his voice sounding strained and exhausted.

I grabbed the lanyard around my neck and unlocked it with one of the keys. I opened the door with one hand and used the other to help Ben inside. Jeff was so goddamn lucky he wasn't there, or else I would have beaten his ass so hard his grandchildren would feel it.

I set him down on the couch and ran to the bathroom to get some towels. I sprinted back and wrapped him up; he needed to get warm and dry off. "Thanks," he said quietly, giving me one of those 'I'm too emotionally exhausted to smile right now, but I appreciate what you've done for me' kinda looks.

I offered a small smile, and after he was dry and warm I helped him to his room and tucked him in. He closed his eyes and began to drift off. I got up from where I was sitting on his bed and walked over to his door, walking out of his room and closing it behind me softly.

That motherfucker was definitely gonna pay for what he did to Ben.

(Hey! It's finally here! Special thanks to @NeroLee__ for requesting this. This is one of the first real fanfictions I've posted on here in forever, so I hope y'all liked it. Constructive criticism and comments are always appreciated. Thanks for reading!)

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