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november 201x, two months after the kiss

"so yeah. that's what happened between us." your fingers had gotten sweaty from how tight your grip on haseul's green coffee cup was. the older woman had her lips pursed and you could tell that she was thinking. you just didn't know what about and that scared you. especially with someone like jo haseul.

she took a deep sigh before saying, "okay. and you haven't spoken to her or jiwoo in how long?"

"two months." you answered reluctantly. haseul sighed in response and you cringed. "i'm sorry."

"you should be. you haven't even texted to apologize?" haseul's tone was a frightening mix of disappointment and slight, but audible, anger. it wasn't like her to get snippy with anyone. but when she did, it was scary. it takes a lot to get a forgiving person like haseul angry.

"but seul, it's just so awkward-"

"how do you think sooyoung and jiwoo feel?"

once again, haseul was right. you sighed and brought hand to your forehead, running your fingers down your scalp. "you're right." you said. "i have to do this for them. and for nayeon."

oh yeah. im nayeon. the girl who you'd met the night you kissed sooyoung without her consent. wow, you were a god awful person. but at least things between you and nayeon had been going well. you had started dating about a week ago.

"you're gonna have to tell her about this, too." haseul noted. you already knew that, but you couldn't find a way to explain it without sounding like a frat boy at a college party. there was no excuse for your actions. all you could do was try and make it better.

"you're right," you rasped out. with a sigh, you reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone. after scrolling for a bit, you put the phone to your ear. the dial tone just made you even more anxious.


oh god, she picked up.

"sooyoung? hey, it's me. we have to talk."

august 202x, the day of the wedding

you could barely think straight. in all honesty, you wouldn't be surprised if you walked out of this wedding venue in handcuffs with the woman beside you in a body bag.

you and sooyoung were in a private dressing room that the venue provided. you sat in front of a vanity mirror and sooyoung sat on a couch behind you. you could see her nervous face in the mirror and for a second, you felt bad.

for a second, you thought that this was what you deserved. you lusted after her when she was in a relationship, ran away, then invited sooyoung and her (now ex) girlfriend to your wedding. this was a messy situation, almost that out of a bad teen drama. for a second, you almost wanted to forgive sooyoung and then ask for forgiveness yourself.

and then you saw red.

"you know what, sooyoung?" you finally spoke after minutes of deafening silence. you made eye contact with her in the mirror. her hair was short now. it was dyed a burgundy color. you complimented it when you saw her a few days ago at your bachelorette party. such a shame that now you wanted to rip it out of her scalp.

"this isn't the first time you've made me speechless. but it is the first time that i feel like causing you physical harm." sooyoung chuckled lightly at that, thinking you were joking. but as she saw your deadpan expression in the mirror, all humor let the air.

"listen," sooyoung had started. you held up a hand in the air, stalling her words. "i don't have to listen to anything. what you need to do is pay close attention to me."

you stood up abruptly, the chair you were in making an absurd noise. you turned around, now facing sooyoung directly. she had stood too. the heels she was wearing made her look a bit taller than usual, but also made her seem less steady. or was that the nervousness?

"i really am sorry, y/n." sooyoung moved closer to you, her hand reaching out for your wrist. you didn't allow her to touch you.

"well, sorry's not gonna fix my fucking wedding, now is it, sooyoung?" you snapped, expression tightening. sooyoung visibly deflated, backing off. you took a deep breath as you were filled with embarrassment. you had just put on quite the show. "i'm sorry. i shouldn't done all that. but i'm just really stressed right now."

too ashamed to continue looking in her face, even though the bashful one shouldn't be you, you returned to the vanity where you once sat.

sooyoung seemed to nod in understanding, sitting back down aswell. "i get it."

you scoffed, snapping your head up to make eye contact in the mirror. "no, you don't. if you got it, you wouldn't have confessed your love for me." you would have stopped there, but just for a little sting, you added, "especially not at my wedding." it was petty, but sooyoung definitely deserved it.

her current expression was that of a puppy who just got caught eating their owners shoes. her pitiful tone matched her face perfectly. "can i just explain myself a bit? so much has happened since that day."

"i have told you time and time again that i regret that day." your embarrassment returned as those memories resurfaced. you were a different person now. you had a wife who you loved. "i'm sorry if that's what you want to hear. i've said it before but i know once might not be enough."

sooyoung just shook her head. "it's not that. it's the fact that i," she took a pause, allowing herself to take a deep breath. she was visibly shaking and no longer held eye contact, instead focusing on the marble floor. while you were curious as to what she had to say, you wondered if it was truly important enough to interrupt the biggest day of your life.

"i started to fall in love with you after that day." sooyoung blurted out in one go.

wait. what?

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