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r: come let's hv breakfast (aj smiled and followed her)


r: hello once again 

sak; now u both sit and hv ur breakfast cuz me and ad are done

r: ok(and she and aj started doing breakfast, ajay's phone rang and he excused himself and goes to a corner)

i to r: so miss middle class cheapo are u enjoying being in this luxurious house 

r just ignored  her

ah: achha just tell us how did u tricked them

again  ignored

ch: and who was that guy(aj)

again ignored

i: must be her boyfriend and i m damn sure she also tricked him seeing his luxuries (now ri was not able to control as she is a short tempered girl and aj and r share a bro sis relation as whenever she is wrong ajay calmly make her understand and there they r saying tht he is her bf and she has tricked him it was something which she won't tolerate )

r: (took a knife and potted on ishani's throat) one more wrd nd u will be dead

ah:(she came to rescue her [ofcourse only to be in good books of raisi....]) ridhima leave her or the consequence won't be good

r: (she leaved ishani and hold ahana's neck very tightly) and who the hell r u miss to order me(gritting her teeth)     


r: (freed her neck and twisted her arm) and i (she again twisted some more) don't (again twisted) give it (again twisted) a damn (and then she fully twisted her arm and after few sec freed her)

i: how dare u to......(ridhima slapped her very tightly that she stumbled ) 

r: dare if u say anything when i don't ask u to

v: (being angry) HOW DARE U TO SLAP MY SISTER(he roared)

r: (same tone) keep ur that tone to urself MR.VRS cuz i don't like ur that fucking tone and u know what if u were not my bro's business partner then i would hv made surely killed ur that so called wife, sis, and ur not so innocent chachi

v:(angry) HOW DARE U

r: (dangerously) keep ur that tone to urself mr. vrs I hv already told u not to raise ur voice infront of me

all raisinghania's were shocked seeing this side of ridhima 

da: ridhima beta how r...

r: (gritting her teeth) dare if  anyone of u called me by my name and u (eyeing daadi) u r also not allowed, its just miss R  A  I C  H  A  N  D to u people (eying raisingh..)

ar: how dare u to talk to my daadi like this

r: (she puched him) last warning to all of u dare if u used that tone infront of me or took my name else there will be consequences and i will not see who is he or she(eyeing raisinghania's except kabir as he is not like them and has also apologized for what he did) 

k to himself: (actually i forgot that he is also present😅) woah!! i hv never seen this side of ridhima and it's awesome man

after that aj came and both r and aj continued their breakfast

i: ............................

precape; ajay to insult ishani and ahana

phewwwwwww!!!!!! done with today's update

sorry for delay actually i m not hving so much time to write bt still  i m trying to post so that u guy's don't wait so long hope u understnd, so now plzzz pretty plzzz do tell me how was the ep

plzzzzzz comment and vote 

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