[ Part 1: Forgetting ]

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August 16th, 1985, 4:48pm.

"Our new home", were the last words I heard before I could feel myself loose all my senses. Everything else seemed like a blur, were we even at a new house, or was it just our old one.?


A petite blonde figure stood in front of the house, waving at us. 

Aether, are you really there?

"So, thoughts? I know its not much..but its just going to be us living here. I promise it'll work out."

Aether, you liked our house because it was small, didn't you? You said it was cozy and it made you feel safe, didn't you? I agreed, because as long as I was with you, everything felt safe. Everything was at ease, but you're gone now, because of that stupid murderer, and those stupid cops couldn't figure out your case, and now everything is different-

"LUMINE! Snap back to reality, please. You're not making it any easier for me." My older brother Dain flicked my forehead lightly. I could see there wasn't anybody in front of the house anymore.

"Oh, sorry."

He sighed, putting his palm on his forehead, pushing his bangs back. "It's fine. I know you miss him, so do I, but I really can't loose you now. We're all we have left, so don't try and get yourself killed, alright?"

I nodded, and opened the trunk to our car to get the luggage out.


Oh right- I'm Lumine, a 15 year old girl with a dead family- except for my brother Dain. About a month ago, my twin brother Aether died due to a murder. We all knew it was a murderer, but the case was left unsolved and untouched, which really pisses me off. These stupid cops get paid for nothing, god.

My parents died in a car accident when I was thirteen, so not too long ago. Seems cliche but whatever.  Luckily for me, my brother Dain was old enough to take care of Aether and I, so for a good amount of time it was just us three living together. Now that Aether is dead, everything changed. I mentioned that already didn't I? It's just so much harder now that he's gone. I miss him so much.

I was organizing my closet, while listening to the hottest tunes on my walkman. Maybe this new life in this new town could work out. Besides, it's only been a month, a human with feelings can't move on that fast, right? My reactions where completely normal, I'm ok. 

There was a book on the floor, which I hadn't picked up. Not noticing it was there, I slipped and fell into my closet. As I fell, I felt something hard brush up on my back. It hurt, a lot. I turned my head to see it was a doorknob. I lay in front of a small door in my closet. I looked around to see if anybody was looking, then I twisted and turned the doorknob, trying my best to open it. After a few minutes of trying to bust it open, I finally had to face the fact that it wouldn't open.

"What a waste of time", I murmured under my breath, disappointed. I went back to organizing, then went to go iron my clothes, since tomorrow I was starting a new school. 

About 30 minutes later, Dain had called me to go eat. We sat in silence, as I dug my fork in the pile of mashed potatoes sitting on my plate. We just stared at each other and ate. I was getting uncomfortable, so I scarfed down my food to hurry up and leave. As soon as I got up, my brother Dain turned around in his seat and told me, "You still have day time, why don't you go around our new neighborhood and try to make some new friends, it'll make your first day a lot easier."

"Do I have too?" 

"Yes." He looked at me with stubborn eyes.

I sighed, "I'll be back in 30 minutes." Putting on my sweater and boots, I head out the door and into the neighborhood. It was nice and breezy outside, so the wind felt good.

I walked around for a bit. Damn, sure seems like a ghost town here. It was dead quiet, barely anybody was out. I saw there were two people hanging out near my new school. I ran up to them, and waved. "Hello..! I'm Lumine ,, a new student here, a sophomore." They smiled at me. Well, at least one of them did.

"The name's Venti! I'm a senior though, so I don't really think we'll be seeing each other that much..heh." The short boy awkwardly laughed.

"I'm Diona. A freshman. Don't talk to me unless you have any serious business you want to discuss with me." She huffed. 

"Serious business? Why would I-"

Venti rolled his eyes. "Thats just Diona. You'll get used to it."

"Ah, okay..so what're you guys doing out here?" 

Diona bit her lip. "Well, I don't really wanna scare the new kid , but theres a rumor that a serial killer attends this school, and they have their hidden base somewhere in this neighborhood. I'm trying to search for it, Venti's helping me since he owes me for the time I helped him cover up the fact he's bringing alcohol to school, don't tell anyone though, its a secret." 

I raised an eyebrow. "I won't but..serial killer? Here? Are you just trying to scare me now because I'm new?" I turned around to Venti, who gave me an expression that seemed as if he was saying it was true. Oh. The last thing I wanted on my mind was the fear that a serial killer was walking among these halls with me. What if it was Aether's killer..what if-

"Hey new girl, you ok? Got something on your mind? You look as if you saw a ghost." Diona waved her hand in front of my face. I pushed her hand back and nodded.

"Sorry, just seems a bit scary..so has there been any uh...scene crimes at this school?"

"Yeah, this one time a junior was found on her desk in the tutoring classroom, severely injured. I think she had like 13 stab wounds, but she somehow survived, she forgot what the killer looked like, but she said it was a male with long hair." Venti started describing what the murderer looked like.

"My dibs are on Razor, he goes to tutoring with Sucrose, and he has long hair. Theres no way it wasn't him! " Diona crossed her arms. "He acts all nice and polite in front of you, but I'm sure theres gotta be something he's hiding, I just know it!"

"Who..is Razor.?" 

"Some weirdo, he's a sophomore just like you, I think. He doesn't talk much, and doesn't have many friends. He hangs out with other weirdos, so he's not completely lonely. He's also kinda scary.." Venti said.

"Well I think he sounds very lovely, thank you very much." I started walking away. "Have a good rest of your afternoon." 

Jeez, the people in this town are sure judgmental, I'm sure this is just another situation where people just judge a book by its cover, and not actually get to know what its about.

As soon as I got home, I slammed the door and ran to my room. I checked the small clock sitting on my nightstand. It's already 8:00pm, maybe I should go to bed early today. 

I got up , grabbed my pajamas and went to go shower. It was so relaxing, feeling the warm water pour on my face after a long day. I hopped out of the shower, got changed, and headed to my room to brush my hair. 

I read magazines as I did, the fashion magazines. I admired the pretty girls on the front cover. I'm not gay or anything though. I just think women are a lot cleaner and prettier than men, thats all. Nothing more.

After an hour of brushing my hair and reading magazines, I headed to bed and fell sound asleep.


A/N: I had a lot of free time and writing a horror story has been on my mind for a while so I made this, also thanks for all the support I appreciate it sm!! I'm working on a new chapter of celebrity life right now, so stay tuned for that as well. Anyways, take care everybody! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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