Chapter 37 || Gifts and glares

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Happy reading

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Happy reading

Author's POV

Aria was sound asleep between Taehyung's arms. She was carefully secured inside his arms like a baby. When the sun decided to peek from the curtains of clouds, the morning rays disturbed her beauty sleep. She immediately dived more into his arms, shunning them from spoiling her sleep. It was pretty late when she slept last night and getting up from the cosy wrap of her husband was the least she wanted at the moment. Her continuous stirs in search of a position to hide her face from the sun made Taehyung wake partly. He saw her struggling to hide from the morning rays of the sun. He slowly blink opened his eyes and carefully reached the night stand to hit the button that closes the curtains. She happily snuggled into him making him smile. 

His eyes slowly travelled onto her face who had a look of serenity. He pecked her forehead and glanced at his watch to check the time on his rolex. It was 7.37 am in the morning. His angel would sleep for a few more hours, and he decided it's time to get things ready for the day. Slowly slipping out the duvet he placed her face on his pillow. She would sleep a few more hours with his smell. He kissed her forehead for the final time before doing his morning routine.

He got ready and called his hyungs. Setting her dress for the day out along with the other gifts he rushed out to set everything. 

Aria's POV

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