𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 32

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Obito was currently laying down in his bed while Madara was asleep in his chair. Obito looked down and saw two white figure standing at the end of the bed. One had a body and face that was a swirl and the other had short and spikey green hair and had sharp long things sticking out of his body.

"Hey!" The one with green hair said. "How are you doing?" The swirl body one said. He had a wierd voice. Obito sat up. "Bad...what do you think? How long have I been here? It feels like its been a while". Obito asked. "Dont worry you dont need to pay rent". The green hair said. "Those of us created from the godo statue dont have to eat either. No food bill or need for a bathroom. We don't even poo!" The swirly one said.

Obtio and two continued to talk about who they were and poo. "Were only helping you with your rehab because madara ordered us to get you up and running and usable by the time he wakes up". Obio scoffed then looked at madara. "So he makes these noisy puppets keep an eye on me while he gets to sleep the whole time?" Obito said.

He then turned back around and balled his fist. "Wheres the exit?" He asked as he looked up to the two. " cant be done..theres no exit". Swirly said. "Madara sealed it off with a huge boulder after we lugged you here on his orders". Green hair then said.

"What? He sealed un is?!" Obito yelled. The three of them then started to talk about his comrades and the topic of poo again. "I mean what madara was saying. About severing fate and all that and having Someone by his side.". Obito said. "Oh. That...madaras not nice enough to talk to a brat at his level. Simply put hes talking about discarding all the bad things in the real world and escaping inside a dream that's full of good things!" Green hair said as he spinned his finger in circles.

"Inside a dream?" "Since it's a dream everything is how you want it! Even those who are dead can be alive again!" Green hair said and swirly added on. "Ok so what about the person hes going to have with him?" Obito asked. The two white figures looked at each other then back at him. "We dont know anything about that so madara will have to tell you himself". Swirly said.

Obito sighed. "This is beyond stupid I cant even understand it". Obito said. "If you have as much power as madara anything is possible. And soon someone with more power than the first hokage will join beside him but much still needs to be prepared. Swirly said.

"Oh yeah? Well I'm not intrested". Obito said as he got out of the bed. "What are you doing?". Swirly asked. "I've got to get this body moving again". Obito said as he started walking along the wall.

And so obito started training his body again. He worked everyday to make it strong. 6 months had passed and obito gained his body back. His hair grew longer to. Obito was laying down in his bed when green hair came from the wall. "I was just outside! Your friends are in trouble! There alone and completely surrounded by hidden mist shinobi!" He yelled. Obito waisted no time. He jumped from his bed causing it to break.

He ran up to the wall and punched it but instead of it breaking the new arm fell off. "You cant break through boulder with that body yet. Instead you can use my body". Swirly said as he wrapped his body around obito's. Obito then ran up again this time successfully broken the wall.

The sound of the breaking woke madara up. "So Your going?" He asked. "I'm grateful that you saved me. But I'm leaving. I have to go". Obito said. "Your being too hasty..it may be premature to thank me". Madara said.

"I'll probably never come back here. I've given my thanks. I'm going! Obito said. "You... will return and that's when I'll get your true gratitude" madara said. Obito glared at madara then asked green hair where they were. Obito grabbed one of madaras cloak and went off and madara just went back to sleep.

It was just like madara said. Obito did in fact return. Obito now stood in front of madara. He returned with blood on him and a look of dispar washed his face. Madara smirked. "I hope no one saw you". Madara said. Green hair then explained what happened to madara.

"Madara teach me how to create this world of dreams". Obito said. "I don't need your thanks anymore. Come here starting today you will be the savior. Look into my eyes". Madara said as obito walked up to him. Obito looked into madaras eyes and the next second he was in a white space with madara beside him.

"You are inside my genjustu. It's still a blank canvas but i can project my will upon it to create whatever I want and even control them. Like this see?". He said as he turned himself back to his younger self. Madara then told obito of his plan and how it will be put to action. He told him of his rennigan and the statue.

"Now for all of this to happen you first will have to find someone." Madara said as he put up a image of diane smiling. Obito just stared at her. "Who is this girl?" He asked. "Shes someone I was acquainted with when I was younger". Madara said. "Shouldnt she be dead then?" "No. She is not from this world and is immortal" madara said. "Immortal huh?" Obito said as he stared at the picture of diane.

"So why do I have find her to make everything happen? What's so special about her?" Obito asked as he looked at madara. "She possesses powers exceeds those of this world. In order to make this plan succeed we will need that power. Neither I or hashirama senju the first hokage could defeat her so dont try and fight her. She will already try and kill you when she finds out your claiming my name". Madara said.

"What! Why will she try and kill me because I'm claiming your name?! Just what are you to her?" Obito yelled. "I'll tell you when you bring her back to me. I only have little time left before the statue stops giving me chakra to live". Madara said.

"Shes very important to me and this plan so treat her with respect and be patient with her. She will probably not trust you at first but over time she'll come around". Madara said as he smiled lowly. Obito nodded and madara released the genjustsu and sat back in his chair. Obito then told Swirly to let go of him and grabbed a new cloak and a mask and a sword that had a m+d on the end. He then walked up to madara.

"I will return when I have found her". Obito said as he walked to the exit. " remember do not try and fight her. You cannot defeat her. She will kill you without thought". Madara said. Obito nodded and jumped away.

"We will soon reunite like I said diane". Madara thought as he went back to sleep.

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