Chapter 48

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Beam pov:

At last I bid my good bye and went to my department.

In half an hour presentation will starts one of the employee announced

Presentation started and its my turn to give

I kept my mind at peace and explained about idea. The panel asked some questions and I answered them confidently

Remaining presentations also completed and some ideas also very good but I don't want to lose hope.

In two hours we will give our opinion on your ideas.. Thank you for your time now u can go back to your works one of panel member Mr Parker (pring's father) announced and we all left the room.

Hi baby.... What are you doing I texted Forth once I reached my cabin

Fighting with machine...
What about your presentation how did it go replied forth

Just completed need to wait for result I replied

Okay babe... Need to go
Text me once you got your idea approval replied Forth

You are too munch... I will let you know later once we got result
Take care I texted forth and started doing my paper work.

My forth have more confidence in me than my self. I am very lucky to have him as my boyfriend.

Attention everyone after two and half hours Mr Parker called for everyone's attention

The one whose idea is approved is beam Mr Peter announced

I am very happy and don't know what to do

Your is good. We never thought that we will get such an excellent idea from an intern. But how did you get such a great idea Frederick asked

Thank you for your appreciation. I am very much interested in cars and always study them. That helped me a lot and my boyfriend also helped by giving some suggestions I replied them

Beam is so happy that he didn't noticed changes in the face of pring and her father.

Okay gentlemen.. Hope to work with you soon  mr Peter and fredrick congratulated and left for their departments

I am very very happy I want to tell him myself directly. So I didn't text him.

In will tell him directly once I reach our dorm. I still have two more working hours.

Two hours completed like two days. Finally my waiting is completed and ready to leave.

Suddenly pring came stood beside my table and handed me an envelope.

I got shocked after looking the content in envelope

Happy reading


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