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Guest Peyton asked: are the chapters not titled because it's a side effect of Harry's memory problem or is it because it's considered copyright?

I'm not actually sure if using the chapter titles is copyright, but I don't personally use them because I feel like it spoils too much. Take for example The Dark Mark, if they'd read that at the beginning chapter title, they would have known to expect it the whole time and it would have ruined the whole big reveal of the chapter. I like to keep the suspense as long as I can get away with it.

Thank you all as always for your endless support of this fic!

Remus did not look pleased one little bit about accepting the book. He hated how they'd grown almost content, getting so many pleasant chapters in a row and then the huge finale of the Cup, just to have such a terrible one right after. He was terrified the trend would continue, but being afraid of something had never actually stopped him from doing anything, let alone in regards to a book, so he kept going.

Lily's mind flickered back to her earlier worry that to many memory charms couldn't be good for him, and to have something so powerful taken away as well, oh she really hoped he would be okay.

"Cannot blame them," Remus sighed.

"Least they didn't have to wait on the Diggory's," Sirius sniffed.

"Molly," they all muttered in surprise, considering the time it was a wonder she was awake, but even more surprising was that this reaction meant she knew what had happened already.

Upon reflection though, the four of them weren't that surprised, the Daily Prophet was known for staying on top of the news, though not always in the best light.

"Ooh," Lily sighed, completely understanding why she'd feel particularly awful for those two.

"Think now would be a good time to drop the bomb they won a gambling bet," Sirius smiled weakly, "I don't think they'd get in quite as much trouble for it."

Lily shot him a look, but as his joking tone hadn't quite smothered his own happiness at the scene, she didn't say anything.

"This is really sweet," Remus smiled widely without a trace a humor.

"Bet it only lasts a day before they find some new way to tick her off," James chuckled, not really able to pick up his own poking fun at the situation.

"All the standard tosh of the paper," Sirius snorted.

Harry felt a vile shot of annoyance at once, a scowl appearing when he heard that name, but it was diminished as always when Remus kept reading so he chose not to pay it any attention.

Causing all four boys to crack up laughing, they were all liking Bill more and more as this kept on.

"There was no more information to give," Lily scoffed.

"Why do I get the feeling Arthur has previous experience with this writer?" Sirius asked.

"She certainly sounds more like a tabloid then a reporter," Remus grumbled.

"I'm sure that'll be the highlight of his day," James sneered.

"No one in the Ministry would know it was Arthur who said that," Lily arched a brow in surprise. "This Rita person could have pulled that comment out of the air."

"Arthur really doesn't have a reason to feel so responsible," James nodded in agreement, "he didn't do anything wrong."

They all eagerly shut their trap in hopes Molly would say yes to that one.

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