Bonus Chapter

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Junkyu POV

"Watanabe Junkyu. Wake up."

I was curling on my bed, under my fluffy warm blanket when I heard a low tone voice trying to wake me up.

Watanabe Junkyu.

I chuckled. Only one person who called me that. I open my eyes and saw the voice owner bending on his elbows, on top of me. His face was so close to mine, I can feel his nose touching my nose. He wore a brown T-shirt with apron strap hanging on his neck. He smelt like fried rice.

"Good morning, Kim Ruto." I said with my morning raspy voice. I hanged my arms around his neck, pulled up my head and gave him a quick morning kiss.

"Wake up.." He kissed me. "Wake up.." He kissed me again. "Wake up.." Another kiss. "Wake up.." Another kiss again. "Wake-"

"Yaaa enough." I covered his mouth with my hand.

"Wake up Hyung, breakfast almost ready." He got up and walked outside my room.

I lift my arms above my head and groaned as I'm stretching my back. I rolled around for a couple of times before finally get up from the bed. I dragged my feet to the bathroom, wash my face and brush my teeth.

I walked to the kitchen and saw Haruto standing in front of the stove. I sneakily wrapped my arms around his waist and nuzzled on his back. He turned his head over his shoulder for a second and looked down again.

"What are you doing?" I took a peek over his shoulder. I saw a pan full of white fried rice. He switched off the stove and turned around. He caged my arms with his arms, with his fingers tied on my back.

"Fried rice for breakfast." He leaned forward and kiss my lips. "Although I prefer minty breakfast." He said after smelling my mint toothpaste. I blushed.

"Well, you can have the minty one for dessert." I bite my lips.

"EHEEM!" I turned my head when I heard exaggerated fake cough and saw Yoshi walked to the kitchen. "It's okay guys. Just pretend I'm a bread crumbs." He took a water bottle from the fridge and pulled himself a chair on the kitchen table. I glared at him

"Since when dessert served for breakfast?" I looked back to Haruto. He playfully pinched my cheek.

"Alright then, you won't get one for dinner also." I scoffed and walked to the kitchen table, shoved myself on the chair next to Yoshi

"That's fine for me, because I want it to be my main course." He said casually without thinking Yoshi listening to us, transferring the fried rice to a plate. Yoshi choked on his bottle.

Main course. Main course. Main course.

My face is on fire, smoke coming out from the top of my head. I shook my head. It's too early to think about that. We have been dating for three weeks now and haven't done that yet. Haruto always stopped touching me when he felt he's going to step over the line. He would go to his own room for an hour or so, and came back to my room to sleep. 

"Here Hyung." Haruto placed two fried on the table for me and Yoshi. He pulled a chair in front of me, holding his own fried rice.

"So, anyone have any class today?" He asked both Yoshi and me, shoving a spoonful of fried rice.

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