Seafoam logged on.
Seafoam: Hello is everyone ready please?? I have been waiting for a long time already!
Frying Pan, Obscura Opulena, Basketballismylifeyeah, MeganPlays, UsernameInvalid, Actaeon Harper, Kimiko d'Asana, Bigkids, Marianaismybff, My name is totally Mackenzie, Amphitrite, Sterling Silver, Biannca ♥️, usernamegameround1, Peppa Pig, Petit Nouveau
Petit Nouveau: Well, you're Zara, obviously. You got a head start that's why you're waiting.
Seafoam: Yeah you're right...I can't believe I am already outttttt.
Obscura Opulena: Don't feel bad :D
Actaeon Harper: Who stole the cover maker person username? I bet it is Sapphiera!!!!!!!!
Sterling Silver: Umm, dad you forgot to change your name.
Petit Nouveau: No Actaeon. Sterling Silver is Sapphiera, she just called you dad.
Sterling Silver: dang
Kimiko d'Asana: Peppa Pig and Bigkids is Biannca's little sisters you can tell by their names :)
Peppa Pig: Aww man anywa we ar leeving
Bigkids: Yeah
Basketballismylifeyeah: I bet nobody can guess who even I am
Biannca ♥️: You are Biannca's brother. I saw you play Basketball earlier and you were bragging to all the teammates you're life is basketball.
Basketballismylifeyeah: No fair cheater. Well anyway u Biannca boyfriend bf duh you're the only one who heard me say that.
MeganPlays: Awwwwwwwwwww your name is Biannca heart that is so sweet uwu
Petit Nouveau: MeganPlays is definitely Biannca.
MeganPlays: Yeah.
Marianaismybff: Mackenzie real name not mackenzie it actually Mariana
UsernameInvalid: So, I'm guessing you're Halizzle?
UsernameInvalid: btw I have an invalid username Lol
Frying Pan: Lol usernameinvalid I think you are Biannca's big sis?
UsernameInvalid: NOPE!!!!!!! >:)
Marianaismybff: Yeah I am Halizzle
My name is totally Mackenzie: Yeah I am Marianaaaaaa
usernamegameround1: Who's left because I lost track
Frying Pan: Well, Zara, Sapphiera and her dad, Biannca and her lil sisters, Biannca's brother and bf, Mariana and Halizzle are out.
Amphitrite: That means me, Halia, Theresa, Melinda, Lily, Cassandra, Biannca's big sis
Petit Nouveau: So you're Thetis, since you mentioned "me" and the only one left who was not on the list is Thetis, "me" must be Thetis :)
Amphitrite: dang it
Obscura Opulena: Ok, Petit Nouveau must be Theresa, other than me she is the only one who knows French. You're not a new kid in this, Terrie
Petit Nouveau: Yeah. "Other than me she is the only one who knows French" so you're Lily :)
usernamegameround1: So who's left?
Frying Pan: Frying Pan, you, and Usernameinvalid.
UsernameInvalid: Yup, Frying Pan is Halia. Always answers the question logically :))))))))))
Frying Pan: So that means you're Cassandra ;D
usernamegameround1: does that mean I won?
Petit Nouveau: Yes! Great job :)))))))
My Life During Covid - Collab with Obscura_Opulena
General Fiction*Cover made by obscura opulena* this a cute school story about a girl who gonna tell us her life during the corona virus staying safe.