Chapter 14

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Hi please read this

So this is the last chapter but I was thinking of making this book into a comic or if I have the time and energy I might do it as an animation so please tell me if I should do it or not

Ok onto the story

Bakugou pov
We both sat on my bed "tell me everything" I demanded he chuckled "well let's see uhm oh how about we start with who I am" he said I nodded this is it I'm finally going to understand everything "well I'm.......


"What?" I cant believe this, this whole situation just got even more complicated "w..what do you mean?" I asked trying to understand he then looked at me with sympathy in his eyes "well you have a mental illness"

He said like it was nothing "yeah ok but that doesn't explain why the fuck you are me!" I yelled getting mad he seemed so calm in this whole situation "kachan......your mental illness is Schizophrenia" I looked shocked "w..what" I said on the verge of tears

"Schizophrenia is a mental illness its symptoms are Hallucinations,Delusions and disorganised thinking" as he said that each time I saw him appeared in my mind and all of the horrible things that happened "so...your...not" I said as tears started to role down my face

"Do you remember all those things I did to you?" He asked I nodded "well you did them I'm not even real your talking to yourself right now your lucky your still alive you were hurting yourself from the beginning and you don't even no why you did it" he said as I looked at him tears were flowing down his face I was shocked this was the first time I've seen him express this much emotion

"I don't understand" I said still not believing what I just heard " thought that everyone was hating and abusing you but in reality you were hurting and hating your self and you blamed it on something that you created and isn't even do you want to know the reason why you did this"

He asked I quickly nodded my head "yes tell me tell me please!" I sobbed he nodded "close your eyes..." he said in a sad tone

Everything went black until I heard muffled sounds of children I opened my eyes to see that I was in middle school deku was holding my hand "the reason is here" he said we then went inside my old classroom and that's were I saw it

"If you wanna be a hero that bad there actually might be another way just pray you get a a quirk in your next life and take a swine dive off of the roof of the building"I looked stunned "w..what I don't get it" I said confused deku looked at me disappointed "it's not over yet...." he whispered

We then got out and we were now standing outside of the school he then nudged my arm "look..." he said in a sad tone while he pointed at the roof I looked up there confused that's when I see deku

But before I could get a good look on him he jumped and I heard I painful screen I looked at were it came from and saw me standing there as my shoes got dirtied in deku's blood my face went pale

I looked at deku his eyes were red "hey what's going on!" I yelled he then fell on his knees "ITS MY FAULT ITS MY FAULT I KILLED HIM I KILLED HIM!" He kept in repeating that's when I realised he started to change but he didn't deform but instead his dark green hair was becoming lighter his once green eyes were turning a bright red

And after a few seconds he looked exactly like me that's when it hit me

"You you YOU YOU YOU KILLED HIM!!!!!" I yelled at my self he looked at me with a pierce look I could see the anger in his eyes "there's no we it's you you you YOU there's no one here your in your room all alone no one's hurting you, you have a great amazing life but because of that stupid mouth of yours it's ruined all ruined now look how can you be a hero if you already killed someone and you were only FIFTEEN FIFTEEN for god sake.....look you can ether kill your self the same fucking way he DEID or you can continue living your life and try to become a better person and save people form DYING and maybe just for once forgive yourself please He would never want this to happen just please!"

He pleaded i took a deep breath trying to calm my self but I couldn't I sobbed but then the image of the sunset popped into my head it calmed me down I then looked at the dead deku on the floor and saw my self crying there

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't know I really didn't know I don't want to make myself suffer even more I..I..I'm sorry" I said as I hugged my self "thank you for forgiving a hero for him" I smiled and then I was back in my room

I smiled happily and so I began I got out of my dorm and ran to my classmates I hugged each and every one of them and gave them an apology i did that to my teachers to I asked mr. Aizawa if I could go to my mom he agreed

I ran to my house and swung the door open I ran to my mom and hugged her "I'm sorry I'm so so sorry" I said with a smile tears were flowing down my face

After I apologised to everyone I went back to my Psychiatrist and told him everything it was wild

That was two two years ago right now I'm the number two hero I would've preferred to be number one but who says I'm gonna give up I'll keep trying and work my butt off cause in the end I chose the right path well more like my path the path of my life

And with that whole situation I learned a simple lesson which makes me laugh that I suffered that much just to realise it hope theres always hope even in the most shitty situations so keep on going cause there's no such thing as a bad ending

Bakugou katsuki ❤️

I was crying the whole chapter and I really want to animate or at least draw this story so please tell me if I should ok bye and go check out my other stories if you'd like to

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