Part One

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Harry's POV

I was walking to my locker on Thursday morning with my head down like always. I had no idea anything special was going to happen that day. I just walked over, unlocked my locker and started getting the stuff I needed for my first period class: Science. I had on a dark green beanie to cover my messy curls, a light grey sweater since it was getting colder out and skinny black jeans. Nothing out of the ordinary. All the other kids in my school walked by without a second glance in my direction, as per usual. I scuffed my old blue converse on the ground as I pulled out my textbook and folder.

Once I had them I headed off to class. My teacher said hello to me when I came in, but no one else noticed I was there. I sat down in my usual desk and pulled out my phone to aimlessly look at stuff until class started when I noticed a shadow on my desk. I didn't look up, it could have been an alpha and I was better off not making them angry. They stood there for a few minutes without saying anything and I eventually found it in myself to break the silence.

"D-do you need s-s-somthing..?" I asked, I hated it when I stuttered but I couldn't help it. I just nervous sometimes.

"Not really." Whoever was infront of me shrugged. "..Are you gonna look at me or keep staring at the floor...?" They asked a couple seconds later. I bit my lip, feeling like I'd made whoever was infront of me (who I guessed was an alpha by his shadow) mad. I looked up at him and was met with blue eyes, fake blonde hair (which was only obvious because of his roots) and a playful grin. The boy infront of me was deffinately an alpha, though. That much was easy to see, and not just because I could see the mark on his sholder since he was in a tank-top. His grin grew impossibly larger when I looked at him. I looked at his eyes for about a milisecond before I cast my gaze down again.

"I'm Niall, by the way. Mind if I sit with you?" He asked and I nodded. I heard a chair scraping a few seconds later and turned slightly to see Niall on my right side. "So, do you have a name or should I just call you curly?"

"H-h-harry." I stuttered again! God, I hate it when I do that.

"Well then, H-harry, are you a junior or a senior?" He asked and I felt my cheeks flush when he stuttered my name. He looked at me again, I could tell even though I wasn't looking at him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like a jerk I was just trying to be funny.." He sighed.

"O-oh, that's a-a-alright." I said with a weak smile, but I still didn't look at him. "A-also," I said remembering he'd asked  be a question, "I'm a junior."

"Thought so." Niall said. "I'm a senior. And you can look at me, if you want. I don't shoot laser out of my eyes of turn people to stone." He joked, he laughed at his joke which was really what I chuckled at, not the joke. I did look at him, though. Just a little. Then class started.

When class was over I got up and started to walk out of the room when Niall asked me to wait for him. Having better sense than to anger an alpha, I did just that. I wasn't expecting him to lace our fingers together when he caught up to me, but I didn't stop him. But when we walked out of the classroom and I heard three deep growls, I wished I had. Niall stopped and turned to face whoever had growled. I stopped with him since he still hadn't let go of my hand.

I looked over at the people who had growled slightly, not wanting to lift my bent head in case it drew attention. One of them had light brown hair that looked feathery and soft and was swept into a quiff and blue eyes, the one in the middle had tan skin and dark ebony hair that was also styled in a quiff, and the last one had brown hair and puppy-dog eyes. They were all deffinately alphas. They looked pissed. Niall was whispering to them, but I had no clue what he'd been saying or what they'd said in response.

"How can you even be sure, Ni?!" Ebony-hair suddenly said rather loudly, he was clearly frustrated. I cast my gaze back down again and had it not been for Niall's hold on my hand I would've walked out of there the second he did that. The other kids in the hall hurried away, some of their eyes going wide when they saw mine and Niall's hands. I couldn't say I blamed them. Then I felt a glare on me that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up even though I didn't look up to actually see it.

"And what do you think your doing holding hands with our mate?" Asked a voice that I had identified as ebony-hair again.

"Did you not listen to a word I said?!" Niall asked indignantly. "And leave him alone, Zayn, you'll scare him." Niall was right, I had started crying, as pathetic as that is, when Zayn (apperently) had yelled.

"I think he already did." Said another voice that had to have been either puppy-eyes or feathery-quiff. I didn't look up to find out. I had just realised that Niall had let go of my hand and I started to make a break for it. However I didn't get very far before a hand grabbed my upper arm very roughly, I whimpered and I think I heard Niall growl at that. My tears started flowing ever-so-slightly faster. Then I felt something tivkle my neck and tried to back up only to have other arm grabbed too.

I opened my eyes to see feathery-quiff sniffing my neck, I had no idea what he was trying to accomplish and I figured out that Zayn had to be the one holding because there was a very indignant-looking Niall infront of me along with puppy-eyes. No one was talking and i wasn't sure to do. Or what I could do. Then, suddenly, feathery-quiff said something that made me freeze comepletely. "Mate." He said and pulled away from my neck. His eyes were really blue.

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