Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Everyone's replaceable...

Louis ran a tight ship, his business meant everything to him. He built it from the ground, and he did this not by himself. He had the help of Zayn and Liam. Who weren't replaceable, his assistants were but the one he had currently was Niall Horan. He often took calls from a friend but Niall worked his ass of when needed, he also didn't give information on the company when he was asked at a party.

Let's just say Louis had no plan on replacing Niall either.

Tuesday 9 am

It was pouring rain outside when Niall knocked on Louis' door. "Come in." Louis said and Niall walked in holding his phone. "Sir, I don't mean to be unprofessional but a few blocks down my friend is at a bus stop, without anyway to get home can I bring him here?" Louis thinks for a second. "Niall why don't you just bring him home?" "I still have work to do plus he has a routine he can't break or he'll throw a tantrum." Louis is even more confused then before. "How old is your friend?" "19." Niall says tapping his fingers on the back of his phone. "W-wait how old are you?" "21 sir." Louis was shocked he wasn't that much older than Niall, he was 24. That might explain why he gets along with him so well. "Sure but bring me a sandwich." Niall nods and tums to retrieve Harry.

9:45 am

"Harry, be good please?" Niall says in the elevator as it starts to go up. "Shit his fuck sandwi-" "he can have mine I made 3." Harry gesture to his backpack. His pink glittery backpack. "I'm glad he liked me." Niall mumbles as they walk out, Niall groans and wraps his arm around Harry before positioning himself behind him. "What the fuck are you doing?" Harry says as the approach a red brown stained door with the words Tomlinson written in gold lettering on it. "They were sta-" "nialler you never told me you worked for the man that has his name on the building." Niall laughs and knocks. "I bet he's old and wrinkled." Harry says as a come in is heard Niall walks in pulling Harry in. "Funny story I forgot your sandwich but Ha-" Niall turns around to see Harry standing by the door. "Had come up to the desk." He says in a slightly annoyed voice "damn bitch no need t-" "harry what did we talk about in the elevator?" Harry stops and mumbles something.

"Anyways Mr.Tomlinson, I forgot to get your sandwich but Harry here has an extra one..." Louis looks away from Niall and to Harry. "I don't want a sandwich a child made." Harry looks Louis up and down. "I'm not a child..." He opens his bag and takes out a bear before reaching back in a picking up a container. "You're not a child but you carry around a be-" "don't insult my bear when I'm giving you something to eat." Harry says handing Louis the box. When he opens it he sees a toasted BLT with celery on the side and a small container of ranch. "Oh." Is all he says and Harry is upset.

One, Harry's not a child he is 19 and he knows that's young but he is far from it. Also why did Mr.Tomlinson insult him the minute he met him, harry was already upset he got wet from the rain and ruined his shoes. Then no thank you? Harry was already having a horrible day and it was only 10 o'clock.

Louis places the container down and looks at Niall. "No dri-" he's cut off by Harry placing a bottle of water on his desk. "I like coke ki-" Harry places a bottle of coke on his desk. Louis just blanks at it, "why do you have all of this on your bag." "It was for Mike but he died lady night so I have extra." Louis blinks some more. "Isnt Mike the name of the homel-" "yes my friend mike." Louis nods. "He was a good person." Harry closes his bag but holds his bear close to him. "I'm Louis." He says holding his hand out for harry to grab. "Harry." He says graving the hand that was firm but soft. "Thank you for the sandwich, Niall you are lucky you have good friends." Niall laughs, "does that including you?" Louis nods and Harry whispers something in Harry's ear. Niall looks down and whispers back. "What?" Louis ask leaning to look. "Oh that's a skirt not shorts." He says and Harry crosses his legs. Louis means back up and looks at Harry. "I was trying to find a problem not look up your skirt." "Its what assholes do." Harry moves away from Niall who had just hit his arm. "I'm not an asshole." Louis says looking at Niall. "Well when we first walked him you seemed assholeish." Niall comments and Harry nods in agreement. "I apologize." He says looking at Harry. "For..." Louis raises his eyebrows. "Being an asshole." Louis says now rocking back and forth in his chair.

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