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  • Dedicated to Mya Mattila

(pic of Natalie)

Natalie P.O.V.

I flew from roof top to roof top.................

Well technically, I didnt fly, I jumped. My name is Natalie Anderson. Im 17 years old, 5:8, and have long black hair that reaches down my back. I have a curvy body, yet its very well toned. I have light brown skin and thick light pink lips. Now  I know what most people think, 'Wow she's beautiful!', yaada yaada. But the thing that trully catches peoples eyes are my own eyes. They are a scarley red with blue and purple flecks. They have been like that since i can remeber and I really like them. But i usually tell people I wear contacts to keep suspicions about me.

Now the reason i say that is that I'm not normal. I dont even think you classify me as human. I mean yeah I look human and talk human, but thats basically where the similarities end. I have 20 times better hearing. I can here some one setting their coffe cup down two miles away. I have 20 times better eye sight. I can see every detail of the passing ground below as if I were standing still. I could give a sports car a run for its money. I can punch a hole through a concrete then heal any injuries in seconds or minutes, depends on the extent of the injury. I also have almost perfect reflexes.

Now i dont waste these gifts. What would be the point of having them if i did. So i devoted my time to mastering a hand gun, sniper riffle, samarui sword, and pocket knife. Of course, due to my abilities, this only took three months. Now I devote my time to saving innocent people from the scurge of L. A. Dont call me a superhero because that just sounds dumb. It just pisses me off when innocent people die.

And no I dont run around in tights and a mask. I have very impecable taste. I wear my pleated black skirt that reaches mid thigh with shorts because Im definatley not a slut. I wear blak knee high boots because 1: they give any of my kicks a little extra lethality and 2: they are just plain hot!. I also wear a black tank top an black sports bra with a black cloak. My only accessories are the two knives in each boot, a samauri sword strapped across my back, a 22 rimfire target pistol strapped to my thigh. The funny thing is that my mom bought most of this for me.

Oh and my mom isnt really my mom. She found me three years ago, which is pretty much the extent of my memory. Her name is Mya Anderson. She told me she found me naked in the rain on the ground when she went to visti her mothers grave.  She said all i could say was my name. She had no children of her own so she took me in. I will always be grateful to her for that.

A strange sound broke me from my reverie. I stopped moving and zoned my hearing in. It was the sound of someone threating someone two blocks awya. Their feet began to shuffle into an ally. I head twords the sound. I landed on a rooftop twenty floors above them. I took the chance to get a better look at the people. There were six big burlly guys, They looked like your traditional thugs. Leather jackets (which rock), chains, baggy pants, the works. I sniffed the air, at least four of the six guys had a gun.

Then a strange feeling came over me like a magnetic pull. I turned my head twords the guy these guys were trying to intimidate. He was tall and muscular. He had velvet black emo like hair and was wearing a white t-shirt that outlined his eight pack and dark jeans and a leather jacket. But the thing that trully supised me was his scarlet eyes with gray and green flecks.

"Hey Freak! Turn the fuck around and listen to me!" the biggest of the guys yelled and snapped me out of my staring.

The boy stopped at the end of the ally infront of a big brick wall. He turned around with a look of strong annoyance on his face.

"Good. Now me and my buds here are hungry so your gonna be a good little freak and give me your wallet so we can get some grub." the guy who I'm guessing is in charge orderd while twirling his gun.

"And if i refuse?" the mistery guy asked with a smirk on his face as if he knew something they didnt.

The brute pointed the gun at the guy's head. "Wel then i guys I'll just kill you and take it my self." he chuckled.

Ok thats enough, I need to get to work. I stood up and looked down. I bent my knees then dove. I judged my landing and at the pricsie moment i did a flip in the air and kicked the thug directly in the chest then landed ninja style in-between the men and the mystery guy, my cloak billowing around me and my hood still covering my face from view.

"Boss!" the other guys yelled as the man flew across the ally and landed against a dumpster on the othe side, out cold.

"Ok boys", i say standing up, "thugs like you piss me the hell of so, if you value yourself, you should leave." I stated coldly.

"Who the hell do you think you are!" a big guy with long red hair yells and rushes towards me.

I grab his wrists in one hand tightly as I raise my othe hand and lower my hood. I hear collective gasps from every one around, even the mystery guy though his sounds slightly different.

"what the fuck! Your just a little bitich!" he yells and begins to struggle against my hold. (wow these guys are annoyingly loud)

Now that royaly pissed me off. This guy definately dose not know who he is talking to. I look directly into his eyes and let him feel the power emminating within me. I see his fear begin to grow and i smirk. He hasn't seen anything yet.

"Now i'm pissed!" I growl and with a flick of my wrist the idiot is flying across the ally into a wall where he lands unconcious like his friend.

All the men came at me then. I dropped to my hands and did a windmill kick, taking out two of the men. Another tried to swing at me from behind. Using my speed I dashed behind him leaving him striking empty air. But before he could regain his stanceand turn around I land a hard blow to the back of his head.

The last guy finally seemed scared as hell. He whipped out his gun and pointed it at the mystery guy. Before i could react he shot. But in that same second the bow wasnt by the wall. He used speed to end up directly in front of the guy, wacking the gun from his hand. The guy used so much force, he broke the thug's wrist. He then proceed to punch the guy in the stomach with extra force, sending him flying across the ally like the first two guys.

I just stood there stunned. How did he do that?! I know I did it too, but i thought I was the only one of my kind. He turend around to face me. The look in his eyes was amazment, sadness for some reason, and another emotion that i couldn't quite name. "Natalie?" he whispered. I took a startled step back. How the hell dose he know my name. Before anything else could happen I ran to the fire escape onte side of the buiding, climed it to the roof, and begain to run and jump as fast as i can.

WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my first story so im really sorry if its a little ruff :-)




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