Eternal Chapter 2

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(Pic of Alexx)

Chapter 2

After about fifteen minutes, I saw the lights of my neighborhood. I slowed down to a walk. I jumped up my steps an unlocked the door. I stepped inside and quietly shut the door. I took a deep breath to calm myself. I dont need to worry mom too. When I felt I could at least do a good fake calm, I walked through the living room into the kitchen, passing mom reading another of her thousand novels she brings home all the time.

Now mom is a weird lady. I mean shes not ugly! She has short blonde hair and light green eyes and a curvy body. She just dose strange things. She keeps the house spotless, stays up late then gets up way to early for my tase, and reads a lot of old novels. And of course theres the fact that she allows me to go do my crazy thing every night. Shes abnorma, and thatswhy I love her so much.

"Hey hun," she says, "How was tonight?"

"Same same." I answered then I finnished the cup of water I had grabbed when I entered the kitichen. "I'm tired so I'm going to get some sleep." I kissed her on the cheek then headed upstairs to my room.

"Love you" I called over my shoulder.

"Love you too" she called back.

My room is down the hall, the third door on the left. Its pretty big queen sized bed in the middle against the back wall. It has red and purple bedding with a silver and red canopy. At the end of my bed is my desk that holds my computer, stereo, and Ipod stuff.

On the right of my bed is a night stand. On the left side wall is a large window with a view of our pool and garden. Under the widow is a big couch with a ton of pillows on it. To the left of my bed are my skateboards and guitars. On the left side wall are two doors with my vanity inbetween them.

In the first door is my bathroom with a jacuzzi tub, big shower, a toilet, and a sink. Its all white with gold decorations. In the second door is my closet. I have a lot of clothes of course. And Its a good place to store my wepons out of sight. The front of th door is covered by a huge mirror. There are posters all over the room and a soft carpeted floor.

I went to my closet. I put all my wepons in there usual hiding cases and pulled of my clothes. I grabed my short silk blue night gown a pair of boys' short purple underwear and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower. By the time I got into my pjs and blow dryed my hair i was exausted. I trudged to my light switch and turned off the lights. I made sure my phone was charging and my alarm was set. Then I collapsed into bed and drifted to sleep. My last thought was 'Will I ever see that guy again?'

The next moring i here my stupid alarm going off. I groan and turn it off. I slowly slide out of bed and rub my eyes. I may have some cool abilaties, but I'm so not a morning person. I went through my normal school morning routine, at least its Thursday. I picked out my purple and grey off the shoulder top that says 'Give Me All You've Got' and my my ripped black skinny jeans with my purple converse and my white leather jacket. I brushed my hair and it fell in soft waves down my back. I applied some mascara and lip gloss. I looked good.

I grabbed my back pack and bounded down the stairs at superhuman speed. I felt really good to day and mom must have noticed.

"Well somone is cheery today." mom commented over her book.

"I don't know why," I shrugged and grabbed a pear, "but let's hope it stays that way."

I kissed her cheek and called goodbye over my shoulder as i left the house. As soon as I looked the door I got yelled at by my bets friend Alexx.

"Lets go girl! I dont want another detetion because of your butt!" yelled as I jogged toward the passanger seat of her Malibu LT. Alexx is a really nice person, well around everyone else anyway LOL. She is really pretty to. She has shoulder legth red hair, big hazel eyes and a soomth collection. We've been friends since two years ago when I complimented her on her awsome outfit. She is a great designer and makes almost all her outfits. She also the only other person who really knows about me.

As usual, people started staring as soon as we pulled up. Im use to it so i just ignored it. We walked to our lockers. Alexx was blabbering about some school gossip.I unloocked my locker and began unloading my back pack. Alexx leaned close to my ear and whispered, "Natalie have you met the hot new guy? Cause he's staring right at you."

Thats when I noticed the familier tingle at the back of my neck. I stiffened and crammed my back pack in my locker and slammed it.

"I dont feel well I think i'm going to go home." I stated dryly as i turned an walked away. I barly noticed her say something about a ride. I was to busy watching the guy across the hall. His scarlet eyes staring right at me. I could tell he was following me so I decide to put this game onto my terms.

I exited the school and began to walk down the street twords the old abandon hotel. I didnt have to look back to tell that he was following me, I could feel it. I didnt waste any time braking the lock and walking into the old lobby. There was sun streaming in from the broken windows, lighting the deary place. I took a deep breath and spun around.

Hew looked absolutly stunning in broad daylight. His body in the green t-shirt and ripped blue jeans was amazing. But i didnt have time to stare, no matter how familiar he seemed. I need answers.

"Who the hell are you and why are you following me?" I questioned.

"Drew," he replied "and you could say you've caught my eye." Heleaned against the wall a look of that amotion I couldnt figure out coating his features.

"I catch a lot of eyes!" I snapped.

"Ah but I know who and what you are Natalie." he stated matter-of-fact like.

WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2011 ⏰

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