First Kiss for Grace and Nick

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It was late, but a few dozen people remained on the beach clustered around tiki torches, the bonfire or making the most of the dark. The family had come to the lake house for the weekend and Cassie and Max were already in their room.

Nick passed between the bonfire and Grace's lawn chair. She was leaning to the right, but his lawn chair was on her left. Should I move it to her other side? Or will she lean toward me? His heart pounded in his chest louder than the crackling flames. This is it. Do or die.

Nick unfolded the quilt and draped it purposefully over himself and Grace as he sat. He hadn't brought the quilt for her alone. She wasn't going to wrap herself up like a burrito like she did at home on the couch. No, she was going to huddle under the quilt with him. He'd made a kind gesture and she was going to be grateful. Or not. Damn, why was this so difficult?

Taking a deep breath, he turned to Grace with what he hoped was an endearing smile and said, "You looked cold."

Her face lit up with thrilled surprise. "Thank you so much!" She sat up straight as she adjusted herself under the quilt. She wasn't leaning toward him yet, but at least she was no longer leaning away.

"Hey, don't look so shocked. I do nice things sometimes." Nick crossed his arms under the quilt and faced the bonfire.

Grace bumped his shoulder with her own. "I know. It's just so rare and precious I want to praise you so you'll do more nice things. I saw that on Caesar Milan."

"You're training me like a dog?" This time Nick knew his look was incredulous. Had he really been that awful to her? "Have I really been that awful to you?"

"No, of course not. I enjoy being your scapegoat, your unwitting accomplish and your fall guy. It's super fun for me to see what trouble you'll get me into next."

Nick felt gut punched. All his plans were backfiring. In his efforts to hide his attraction to her, he'd inadvertently been hateful toward her. Now what was he going to do? How to apologize? How to explain?

As usual, Grace saved him. "Hey, don't look so upset. I'm joking."

"You're not joking, Grace."

"Mostly joking." She drew the quilt more tightly around herself.

Nick said the only thing he could think of, the only truth he could see in that moment: "I'm sorry."

Instinctively, his fingers sought hers under the quilt. She was closer to him now, but facing him. Maybe if she faced the fire her right hand would edge closer to him. He turned again to the fire and surreptitiously edged closer to her. Where was her hand? Please don't let me accidentally touch boob. Wait, I wanna touch boob. No! No boobs! Focus on the plan! Come on, Grace, hold my hand under this damn quilt...

"You don't have to apologize, Nick. We're good." Even under a quilt, Grace talked with her hands. Her fingertips brushed his.

He brushed back.

A light touch at first, then he interlaced his fingers with hers. Then he pulled away, breaking the connection. Even though hidden beneath the quilt, he knew her hand remained where he'd last touched it. Confirming this, he reached out again. This time he twined his fingers between hers and clasped her whole hand, gently rubbing and caressing.

Her gaze touched his and held. He smiled – a look he hoped held the joy of their shared secret beneath the quilt and the promise of so much more.

Nick squeezed Grace's hand. Grace squeezed back. In the firelight, she was gorgeous. The most gorgeous thing he'd ever seen. What the hell to do now? He looked into the flames of the raging bonfire for answers, but saw none.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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