Several days have passed since the events at Ain. The peaceful reprieve allowed Rod's wounds to heal. New scars, however, bring with them new memories. The wound from the incubus saliva is still tender, keeping his left hand and forearm in bandages.
Rin is quite astonished by and a bit suspicious of his new friend's remarkable recovery. He never asked, though, feeling that Rod's actions over the previous few days have earned him a bit of privacy. Upon their return to the cabin, Rod slept for several days. Nothing would stir the man from his dead slumber. This gave Rin an opportunity to repay his kindness. The loss of one of Rod's pistols left him vulnerable. He is a hunter that perfected the art of dual wielding. Not many men are capable of firing a precise shot from the hip, but two at once is strictly unheard of. Very few men mastered this talent. Rarer still, is how gracefully Rod pulls it off. Each shot met its mark in the church with eerie accuracy.
Not even Lopan had that type of skill. The more he dwelled on it, the more uneasy Rin became. At any time, Rod could harm Rin and his family with minimal effort. Putting such trust in a stranger scratches at Rin's soul. He knows hunters are among the few people who can be trusted in the Wasteland, but even these people have their own ulterior motives. Resources outside the major cities seem to become scarcer with each passing year. Rebecca has mentioned the possibility of migrating to Midland. The thought of becoming casteless haunts Rin. He knows the price Rebecca and Enya would have to pay to live in the City of Steam. The thought of his wife and child becoming someone else's pleasure brings his blood to a boil. "I'd rather starve out here in this forsaken forest than subject my family to that life." Rin shakes the visions from his mind and continues with Rod's gift.
His train of thought returns to Rod, the stranger. No, the hunter. After earlier events, he is now family. Rin ponders this a bit further before ending the internal debate. Rod is indeed family. The old tinker fastens both halves together and surveys the weapon for any deformities. "This will be a grand gift for an honorable man," Rin says, lighting his pipe and admiring his workmanship.
Another day slips through Rod's fingers before he finally awakes. He is greeted with his clothes clean and neatly folded at the foot of the bed. The aroma of fresh bread rouses him to his feet. He slips on his faded jeans then his white t-shirt. The smell of peppermint fills his nostrils as the shirt slides down his face. Rod grabs his boots and walks out of the room to the ladder and descends. The hunter hears the soft sounds of Rebecca and Enya baking in the kitchen. Rod takes a moment to slip his boots on before walking toward them. Enya spots Rod first. She yelps in youthful excitement as she rushes over and dives in for a warm embrace. Rod steadies himself for impact as Enya's long hair crashes into his face.
"You're finally awake. You've been sleeping forever. Me and Mama have been baking up a storm. We have plenty of leftovers and I'm sure you're loads hungry."
"Hush up now, Enya," Mama says kneading the fresh dough. "Give the poor man a second to wake up."
"Sorry, Mama. Sorry, Rod," Enya replies.
"It's no problem really. I would definitely love something to eat," Rod says.
"Of course, we'll get lunch started. Rin's in the barn. He wanted you to go out once you awoke. You've been asleep for so long, I think Rin would've shaken you awake if you slept any longer," Rebecca says, tossing more flour on the counter. She rubs the dough across the flour.
"How long have I been out?" Rod asks.
"Almost four days," Enya answers as she pulls several tins from the cupboard.
"How do you feel?" Rebecca asks. She wipes the excess dough and flour from her hands with her apron. She walks over to Rod and feels his head. "I feel like I've been beaten with a bat," Rod answers with a curious look to Rebecca. She has a contemplative look about her as she feels his left cheek. Rebecca scans his eyes before speaking.

Tales from the Wasteland | The No Leaf Clover
General FictionHeaven has fallen, leaving behind a scarred visage of the world. The lands are now crawling with all manner of vile creatures: demons, werewolves, vampires, and other unimaginable horrors, all competing to control their own little niche in this new...