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Cubism: An early 20th-century style and movement in art, especially painting, in which perspective with a single viewpoint was abandoned and use was made of simple geometric shapes, interlocking planes, and, later, collage.

The night was long, and tomorrow was Saturday which meant that (Y/N) could easily spend some time looking through that cult case. If Jack really did have something to do with those murders, (Y/N) would feel bad knowing that she meddled in with his past without him knowing.

It's not like she didn't do that already anyway, but he never really said anything about it besides denying the fact that he wasn't a part of the cult.

Opening the website dedicated to the cult made her feel uneasy. Knowing what awaits her but still choosing to indulge in it was the worst thing to happen to her in the past week – apart from Jack scaring the shit out of her.

The site still had nothing tied to the kidneys being eaten, so there was no need to dive deeper into this whole rabbit hole. To (Y/N), it was only important to remind herself of everything they saw back then in hopes of finding anything that connects to Jack.

Wandering through the website, she made sure to read every word and sentence displayed on the screen, not wanting to miss anything important. She didn't dare to look through the picture tab again, knowing what hid there.

It's insane that those kind of pictures are even allowed on a regular search engine.

It took her a while to get to the exact point where they left off. It was the same part of text that Andrew showed to Lauren and her, before they completely gave up.

"Our road to salvation has always involved a beautiful sacrifice as a gift to our God, Chernobog. The chosen ones will be tied to our blessed tables, have their eyes taken out and filled with a mixture of pure blood and hot tar. The blood represents the purity of the people. The tar represents the sins of all living things. The chosen ones are martyrs who our God picked to serve him for all eternity."


However, there was more underneath that text. Things that they didn't get to read before stood right underneath that text, and (Y/N) wasn't sure if she wanted to continue. Something about the big bold letters tied to a link that read "STEP BY STEP RITUAL." didn't seem to appeal to her, but alas, she clicked on it.

"During our existence, we have held over 36 rituals in which 35 were successful. The one ritual that didn't succeed, 27th in order, would've succeeded hadn't the subject escaped, massacring our brothers and sisters in ▭▭▭▭ -"

Why was the name of the city blocked out like that?

"-and leaving nothing but their rotting corpses. This did not go to waste! With them gone, we have found out that our lord has a specific diet, so before every ritual we make sure to prepare the food.
Now with all of that cleared up, let us explain the sacrifice we must make to wake up our Lord."

(Y/N) began reading all of the steps in order, grossing herself out with each one she read. It was dehumanizing, what they did to apparently 36 people. She wasn't too educated on witchcraft, but she could recognize that the things they'd engrave on a person were called sigils. Too lazy to google the meanings of them now, she continued reading the remaining steps.

"Step 6
Preparing the sacrificial liquid. The liquid used for our rituals is made out of wood tar mixed with the blood of each and every member. The two are mixed together and cooked over the natural fire until it's warmed enough to burn. The liquid should be either black or brown colored, depending on how much blood is mixed with the wood tar.

Step 7
The martyr chosen for our Lord is held down, their eyes are taken out usually with a spoon, and then the tar should be poured into the eye-sockets equally. One eye-socket mustn't have more tar than the other."

I wish I could unread this.

Massaging her head with her fingers, (Y/N) took a deep breath before she looked up at the ceiling. It made sense to her now, why Jack didn't want to take off the mask. It also seemed like he was the "unsuccessful" sacrifice that has escaped. She couldn't be one hundred percent sure, but the probability was much higher than she'd like it to be.

According to this website, a successful sacrifice is the one in which the person dies, not the one in which they create an eldritch serial killer that eats kidneys. She was pretty sure that Jack was the successful sacrifice, while the other 35 weren't.

It was surreal to her, much more than anything she had ever seen or heard of. There were news articles, ARG's, video games and so much more about cults that she knew of, but having a real-life successful sacrifice practically living with you was a whole different story.

Her mind felt like one of Marc Chagall's  paintings - everything made sense but nothing made sense. It was as if you walked in a room that had "I and the Village" painted on the walls, ceiling and the floor. 

It took a while for all that information to sink in, and when she finally realized what had she read, who Jack really is – her stomach dropped.

All of this happened to him. Everything I have read until now has happened to Jack. He went through this.

(Y/N) couldn't help but feel sad, for the boy that Jack used to be. She wondered if he remembered what all of that was like, or rather, if he remembered who he was before he became what he is now.

Closing the laptop, the girl made her way to her bed and wrapped herself with the blankets. It would be hard to fall asleep after learning about all of this, but it wouldn't be the first time she'd sleep so little. (Y/N) knew that all of this would make her head hurt more, so she was now dead set on asking Jack tomorrow, no matter what might happen.

He better not murder me.
This chapter is just a little shorter than usual, but don't worry, I'll be uploading another one tomorrow! I hope you all enjoy, and remember to take care of yourselves! <3 :)

Letters To You // Eyeless Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now