One day I'll be strong enough to say goodbye.

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If Hex had to be honest , he never really got over his friend's death.

Rich guy was his first light, his first hope after escaping.

He thought he was over him : he started going out again , playing basketball ,
searching for people really.

It was only recently that he started to sing again.
That was when he was sure he was over Rich guy's death.

But HOW WRONG he was.

Thanks to that glitch , he met two new friends. He was over the moon ! Finally
he learned to have friends again !

But , he forgot that they were alive , unlike him.

He forgot that unlike humans ( though Whitty is only 20 percent human so he hardly count), he couldn't get sick , he couldn't really age at all.

Carol would pass away while he would be still here.

His Bomb-headed friend would also leave him eventually , because of some guy named Updyke ( he never pressed on it , he wants his friends to be
comfortable around him after all) who , apparently , wanted him dead.

While his friends would go away , he would still be here , and left alone.

Once again.

He forgot that fear.

The fear of being alone.


that was bound to happen anyway.

Or maybe he will break down , and never see anyone ever.

In both case , he will end up being alone.


In every case he will be alone.

Even though the positive side of him was telling him he should stay with them as much as he could to regret nothing , the other side of him , the still grieving one , was telling him that he'll end up regretting things , like he did with Rich Guy.

He deeply regretted those karaoke nights , those days when they would bake each other things ( a small voice in his head was wondering if he didn't
die because of all those sweets) , those days they spent in fairs... He was regretting everything.

He desperately wanted to do these things with Whitty and Carol , but he feared that they'd feel like replacement.
Which is not at all the case ! Far from that ! He loves them just as they are !

But maybe was it his programming ?

He was programmed to be friends with someone , to have a friend , a companion.

He was programmed to be able to feel things , to be emotionally close to someone.

He was programmed to be able to cheer up others too.

But what if it wasn't only his programming ?




''Yo Hex ! Surprised to see ya here bud !''

It was Rich guy's second year death anniversary . He DID go often to see his grave , and always bought flowers along the way.

Though he wasn't planning on seeing anyone along the way.

'' Hello Carol ! You too Whitty !''

The said friend was in the corner of the too small shop , and he clearly wasn't happy to be here.

'' C'mon Whits , stop being a cat , even though you don't even know what a cat is
... By the way , are these Lilacs ? They're pretty !''

The dark skinned women suddenly gasped.

One day I'll be strong enough to say goodbye.Where stories live. Discover now