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"Fucking idiots can never do their job right.", Jennie mumbled as re did the tons of paperwork she sent to her secretary and his idiot friend which to her expectation, they fucked it up. Everyday she asked herself why she hadn't fired both of them at this point.

Suddenly, the phone rang making her divert her attention. She groaned, picking it up and faking a sweet voice. "Hello, this is Virgina Kim, Chief Editor of KNJ INC speaking, how may I help you?", she asked. There was a moment of silence on the other line before someone spoke up.

"Hello! I was told to call you and let you know that our CEO would like to talk to you. Something about an important meeting?"

"Mr. Kim? Ah yes, I emailed him last night and asked him to get back to me. If he's not busy could you pass him the phone?"

"Of course, let me transfer you to the other line real quick. Please hold for a moment."

The line cut off as Jennie sat there, listening to the soft music while trying to quickly fill out the documents in front of her. It was about five minutes when she finally heard a voice on the line.

"Hello? Is this Virginia Kim?"

"Ah yes! I assume you're Mr.Kim?", she inquired.

"Yes I am, but you may call me Taehyung. I wanted to let you know that I have to reschedule our meeting due to a last minute conference. The one you emailed me about last night."

"Okay, I understand. What time and date would work for you?"

The two talked for about 7 minutes, Jennie having to check with her boss to find out if the date would work for him. She was finally able to schedule the meeting, and get back to her work. "I do not get paid enough for this." That was a lie. She was the highest paid editor in South Korea.

She made 60m a year, off of just regular appointments. Extra appointments plus public conferences and investments made her an extra 40m. It was surprising that an editor made that much, especially considering they had one of the easiest jobs to do.

Of course, the pay never made sense to her either however she was able to pay off her bills, afford a nice house, basically get anything she wanted. That was enough for her. She heard her office door open and looked up to see her boss and closest friend, the CEO Kim Namjoon.

"Jennie, I need you to do me a favor."

"I would do it anyways cause that means I get paid extra.", she snickered.

"Yeah yeah, anyways I'm gonna be out for the next week so I need you to take over for me. Can you do that?"

"Yeah of course, but, may I ask why you're leaving so suddenly?"

"Ah, I'm going to visit Seokjin in Busan. We're in a good place right now and I'm thinking of asking him to move in with me." Seokjin was Namjoon's boyfriend. They had started off as online partners but met each other in person for the first time a year ago.

Jennie was happy to find out the news. Namjoon never had good luck with love. His parents never accepted him being gay and all of his relationships were either manipulative, or boring. No connection, no spark. It was different with Seokjin.

He made Namjoon giddy. Everytime he was brought up Namjoon seemed to doze off and dream off his lover. Jennie had met the man a few times since the two started dating and she really liked him. He was kind, smart, good looking.

He made her friend happy and for that he was rooting for him to be the one that Namjoon stayed with. So she was so very supportive when Namjoon told her he wanted him to move in.

"Well that's great Joon I hope it goes well. When do you leave?"

"In two days."

"Well go ahead and take time off. Get some rest, pack, prepare. I'll take over early."


"Yes, now go, I got it. Go see your lover boy.", she teased him, laughing at the last part. He chuckled, sending her a goodbye as he gathered his things and left the building. Jennie resumed her work when she heard her phone go off.

From: Irene
hey jen! I just wanted to let you know that lisa can't make it to dinner tomorrow, her and Jungkook have plans. the rest of us are still available though.

To: Irene
that's okay! thanks for letting me know. ttyl<3

The girl soon got tired, deciding that she worked enough for today. She stacked all the papers up and put them in a neat pile, cleaning up her desk. She gathered her things and began to clock out for the night. She didn't even realize how late it was.

She was the only one left in the building. She checked the time, '12:03' it read. Damn, she stayed here past midnight. She got her card, clocking out and locking up the building, making her way to her car. All she could think about on the way home was how good she was gonna sleep that night.

goodnight n go~ taennie ver.Where stories live. Discover now