Meeting her

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A/N: this is my first story so I'm sorry if there's some spelling mistakes and is bad. This is a Hange x reader story and I will use they/she pronouns for Hange.


"Ok now where is it..." I say looking around the halls for the room I'm supposed to go to. Suddenly I fall to the floor as I look up to see I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry" I say getting up.

"It's fine" they say.

I continue walking down the hall to find the room.

"Here is it" I say knocking on the door.

"Come in" I hear a voice say through the door.

I open the door and walk in.

"So you must be the new scout right?"

"Yes sir" I say

"I'm Erwin your new commander. Well you are gonna be Hanji's assistant as their old one died" he says looking at paper on his desk

"Ok" I say

"Her office is down the hall she's a scientist and likes doing experiments" he says looking up

"Oh ok" I say walking out the door and closing it behind me.
I walk down the hall looking for their office when I get to the wall at the end of the hall. "Ok then maybe back this way" I say walking back the way I came "aha here it is" I knock on the door when I hear a voice say "come in" I walk in to see them sitting at their desk doing some kind of experiment.

"Uhm hi I'm Y/N" I say nervously.
"Apparently I'm your new assistant"
"Oh hi Y/N I'm Hanji nice to meet you" she says smiling turning around still on the chair.
"Well I forgot a book in the mess hall so could you go and get it please" they say turning back around to their work.
"Yeah sure" I say walking out of the room and down the hall. I get to mess hall and look for the book but I can't see one anywhere. "Hmm maybe it's on the floor?" I get down on my hands and knees looking for this stupid book."still not here" I stand up and see it on one of the seats on the tables. 'How to experiment on titans without dying' I read "why does Hanji need a book like this?" I ask myself picking it up and walking back to their office.

I suddenly hear an explosion and begin running down the hall to see hanji covered in ash smiling.

"Uh I got the book" I say.

"Oh thanks, do you mind helping me clean this up?" They ask looking back at me.

"Oh uh sure" I say putting the book down on one of the nearby tables and begin helping Hanji clean up the mess they made.

End of chapter
Words: 480
Sorry it's so short.

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