Ch 3

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"It's moving day!" Mar yelled walking into my apartment.

"Where everybody else?" I asked while taping up a box.

"I don't know, they're not here yet." He replied after taking a sip of his water.

"So then how did you get here?" I walked to the door and put the box down.

"I took an Uber." Mar answered.

I nodded at him and headed over to me and Kamil's room.

I shared a room with Kamil and that was one of the reasons I wanted to move. At first I didn't have enough money to get a 2 bedroom but after saving up I'm moving into a 2 bedroom apartment.

I walked in and saw Kamil on my phone watching surprise egg videos.

"Really Kamil didn't I ask you to stop watching YouTube and to put on your shoes?"

Kamil just stared at me. Before I could say more, I heard loud voices and a door shutting in the living room.

I walked into the living and saw my dad, Amari, and Taz fighting over a honey bun.

"You can not be serious. It is seven in the morning and y'all making all this noise over a honey bun." I said.

"First off this is my honey bun and they the ones fighting with me to give them a piece." My dad said back.

"Well it's just a honey bun. So stop arguing 'cause we got lots to do." I said.

"You act just like mom, always bossing people around." Amari said.

"I got the keys for the Uhaul, we can start taking the things." I told them.

"Alright, we just waiting for Jream. He'll be here in a minute." Taz said looking at his phone. 

Once he said that Jream walked in.

"I brought some Dunkin'." He put the box on the counter.

I guess Kamil heard 'cause he came running into the room.

"I want a donut!" He jumped right in front of Jream.

"Can you say hi to everyone at least?" I know I taught him better than that.

"Aye why do you have on two different shoes? You got on blue crocs and white Vans." My dad asked him.

Kamil looked down at his feet and gasped. He ran back into the room.

I shook my head and gave Jream a hug.

"I hope you got my Boston creme." I said trying to peek.

"Yeah and my glazed donut." Amari added.

"Who said I bought any for y'all? This whole box is for me." Jream snatched the box away from Amari.

"You can't be for real. You're going to eat 6 whole donuts by yourself?" Taz questioned.

"Oh I'm for real, look." Jream opened the box.

"There's only one donut left. Why would you bring this here if you ate all the donuts?" Taz asked.

"I am doing what y'all did to me the last time. When you all ate all the donuts and ain't give me one." Jream said.

"But that was like 5 months ago." Mar spoke.

"Look let's all forget about the donuts. I have to return the keys by 4:30 and it's 11 right now. We need to start loading the truck." I said, so they wouldn't start arguing over donuts.

They all nodded at me and asked which boxes to start with.

Two hours went by and we had packed everything in the Uhual. We were on our way to my new apartment.

Once we got there we started to bring the things to my apartment.

"This is the last box." My dad said as he placed the box on the floor.

"Dang I'm hungry. Y'all wanna get some food with me?" Taz asked everyone.

Everyone agreed except Jream and I. I wanted to stay back and start unpacking.

"Alright if you two aren't going we'll bring you something." Taz grabbed his keys.

Once they left I connected my phone to my speaker and turned on my "hype" playlist.

Jream used his key to open one of boxes near the door.

For a while it was quiet besides the music and me murmuring the words. 

"You know, I'm proud of you." Jream suddenly spoke.

I looked up from unwrapping the newspaper from my flower vases.

"You took in Kamil as a baby, make sure he's straight. You saved up money and got a better apartment than the old one. Bought yourself a car. You graduating from cosmetology school soon." He continued.

"I mean yeah but that's nothing. I don't really feel like I've accomplished anything." I said as I opened a new box.

Jream shook his head, walked over and sat next to me.

"Now what did I tell you about downplaying yourself? It wouldn't even matter if all you did was cut an apple. It's still an accomplishment."

It's something I was learning not to do anymore. Making everything I did seem not important, not enough.

"I know but still. For example, I said I was going to get a new apartment in April. I'm now moving into a new place, it's July." I played with the hem of my shirt.

"And? You had a minor setback. What's important is you kept going."

"Why have you turned into a motivational speaker?" I laughed.

If anyone wanted to be motivated, Jream was the last person they'd go to. 

"Quit playing with me, I stay with the motivational speeches." He stood up.

I tied my box braids up and got up as well.

"Nah but for real I'm proud of you." Jream pulled me into a hug.

"Always tryna hug somebody." I said hugging him back.

"Why do you smell like febreeze?" I questioned.

Before he could respond, everyone busted in.

"This is what you two were doing while we were gone? Y'all was hugged up." Taz commented.

I released from Jream, "Shut up tax return."

"See now I'm not giving you your nuggets and fries." Taz put my food back in the bag.

I quickly walked to Taz. I was hungry.

"Before I get my food. Where's Kamil's food at?" I asked.

"I'm giving it to him." My dad replied.

"Alright. Taz let me get my food, please."

"You lucky I'm being nice today, here." He handed me my food.

"Thank you. Who got polynesian sauce they want to share?"

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