Chapter 2: The Rose grill.

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"So are you going to go on that date with Tom?" Toby inquired.

"I said I would." I'm known to change my mind, and flake last minute, so I'm sure Toby is just trying to make sure I didn't do that this time, especially because this was his good friend.

"Just making sure you don't flake this time, he really needs this, after this you can ignore him."

It was at this point that I started to get suspicious. Besides the double dates and possible double wedding what did he get out of this.

"Why would I ignore him after- what's wrong with him?"

He wasn't going to tell me; at least not right away, Toby was the king of beating around the bush especially when he was being sneaky or had something up his sleeve.

"Why can't I just want my friend and cousin to be happy."

"I'm going to ask you again, and if you lie to me again I'm hanging up the phone and I'm not going." I was totally bluffing; good thing Toby couldn't see my face otherwise he would definitely be able to tell.

"Nothings wrong with him, its just his sister is my boss, I promised him I could get him at least one date..."

"What will happen if I change my mind?"

"I'll probably conveniently get fired." As annoying as Toby was I would never want to be the reason he lost his job, he worked extremely hard to get that engineering degree, and it be unfortunate for all of that to go down the drain because he couldn't mind his business.

"Just think of it like a charity date for a worthy cause- my job."

"Great-so you're pimping me out." I stated. "Well just so you know I'm going to get ready at your apartment."

Toby has the best apartment, not because it was so greatly decorated or anything, Toby and Griffin have zero decorating skills, it sort of reminds me of a man cave. it was goals because technically it was a penthouse, and it had the best view that overlooked the city.

"Okay, I won't be there, but Griffin should be there."

Griffin is Toby's long term boyfriend, they've been dating going on six years, the family loves him, of course they would love anyone Toby brought home just because Toby brought him home. Toby is the family favorite. They try to overcompensate for the fact that his mom is a drunk and she hates him.

"Well I'll let you go before you get in trouble."

Hanging up the phone I grabbed my purse and made my way to the boutique down the street and then eventually over to Toby and Griffins. In addition to them having a great home I didn't want Tom knowing where I lived.

"I'm surprise you said yes." Griffin says.

"Yeah, me too." I replied. Truth is the only reason I'm going is not only to save his job, but also because my entire small ass family would not only hate me, but blame me if Toby lost his job, even though no one told Toby to try and find me someone, especially related to his boss.

"So, where are you two going?"

"Toby says we should go to the Rose Grill, so I guess we're going to the Rose Grill." Toby has always been super controlling, he's been like that since we were kids, but since he's my only first cousin, I've always just put up with it.

"Have you ever been there?"

Looking in the mirror as I applied my red lip stick that matched my red heels I said. "Nope, but I did look at their menu online, and the food looked okay." Stepping back from the mirror I run my hand over my black dress, brushing out the wrinkles.

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