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"All rise."

With my clammy hands and jittery nerves I stood up along with my client and all the people inside the court room.

This is finally it. My first ever case. I closed my eyes momentarily to pray to all the gods out there that all goes well.

When the judge ordered us to sit, we followed and while being reminded of the do's and don'ts inside the court, I reviewed the defenses inside my head. I need to ace this.

I have to ace this even I don't know what's gonna happen.

"What's gonna happen?" My client asked me once seated.

I looked over to her and I can see her eyes glancing around the room, her fingers tapping on the edge of the table. She was dressed really well today and her blonde hair was done exceptionally well. I almost scoffed. She looked to prepped up to be a defendant in a criminal case.

"I dont't know," I hissed under my breath, trying to calm my nerves. I wasn't in the mood to answer all her queries because she already know the answers, she's just doing it to get into me.

Her eyes quickly shifted to my own and with such intensity she asked, "That's your answer? Seriously?"

"Shut up."

"What a lawyer you are." And with a voice lower than her register, she warned, "You better defend me."

I tuned out every curse she said and shrugged my shoulders.

I'll defend you better than you did me.

The prosecution started to lay out all their facts and I gulped. I prepared for this. I studied this for days and I can't... I can't screw this up. The mantra I kept telling myself was working had I not meet the eyes of the prosecutor speaking infront of me.

I gulped when I saw her penetrating gaze. Damn ma. I forgot that the lawyer of the other side is the one who I'm trying to forget at the moment as well.

I tried not to roll my eyes because this was seriously messed up. I would've laughed at the circumstance if only I wasn't sitting in this chair and the judge was looking at me warily. Pulling back my game face, I sat straighter and grabbed my notes.

Someone snickered beside me and when I looked at my client, she was rolling her eyes when she saw who I was looking at. My cheeks turned red and I was so sure the tips of my ears were as bright as well but I only pinched her under the table.

All my musings stopped when the judge looked at me and motioned me to state my arguments and evidences.

I gulped hard and with a shaky breath, I put on my most determined face and I started to pat my back because I was doing well without glancing at my notes. All is well... So so well that I thought it was impossible I was being this good.

But I knew it was too early to tell because knowing myself, I was going to mess up one way or another.

And mess up I did.

Upon my last argument, I suddenly blanked out. I cursed under my breath when the people inside the court looked at me and my hands started to sweat.

What was I about to say again?

"Miss Manoban, please continue."

I cleared my throat and wracked my brain as hard as I could. Ah, I should wrap it up now. "Miss Rosé Park, the accused couldn't and wouldn't be able to do such crimes as the evidences shown by the prosecution lacks one word. Commitment."

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