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Author's Pov

"So Who is going to Redeem my Vengeance Kim Taesin... ? "

Heaven's eyes wore deep into his like they were daring him to answer her question if they were capable of.. But she knew he wouldn't answer her this question too and it was not like he didn't have its answer. It always as usual he never dared to accept it.

"Tell me Mr V, why it's so difficult for you to answer me everytime I ask you a question why..? " She snapped at him while now her hurt and pain was turning into anger and rage watching his blank eyes and hearing his silence

"Answer me, you can kill and hurt anyone without having a single thought about it that you're performing the most cruel and brutal act of humanity but yet you do it without any regret and remorse than why it's so difficult to answer my questions  why ...?

You punished and hurt everyone but what about your punishment ? What about my Redemption Mr Kim Taesin   ? Ain't we all have the right to claim it? So where is that Ven...Vengeance and Redemption went when it comes to your own acts..? " She blurted out on him but he still didn't utter a single word pushing Heaven on the edge of loosing her sanity.

She fisted her palms and closed the remaining gap between their bodies getting so closer to him that her breathing fanned on his body. She gazed straight into his eyes which were already into her

"Or you don't  have that courage and audacity to take the consequences of your cruel actions.. You're afraid of your own punishment Mr V... "

He still didn't open his mouth neither showed any kind of emotion in his empty eyes. And She glared at him and than further instigated him because his silence was killing her from inside, deeply and painfully.

"As I have told you earlier Mr V you're a coward, a fucking coward who just pretend to be brave and fearless in front of the outside world but let me tell you a secret

Showing and pretending yourself heartless and portrait yourself as a monster doesn't change the fact that you're a human too, who is afraid of things in his life , who is afraid of getting broken and hurt too and being left alone.. "

He just peered into her while Heaven could feel the darkness in his eyes to turned more abrupt.

"You're afraid Mr V ,afraid of accepting your own feelings and emotions so that's why you turned them numb but let me tell you something ,turning yourself lifeless and hurting others and giving them pain make you a fucking coward, more weak and fearful than any other human being.. Because may be others are afraid of you and your cruel acts but you

REDEEMING VENGEANCE (Kth🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now