08. | Don't Count On Me

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The weeks persisted as usual. You continued to go to work and school. Michael continued to do whatever it was that he did. You just assumed it was having conversations with members of the Cooperative and hosting meetings. Since Michael has taken up the responsibility of protecting you against his father, he had the entire Cooperative accommodate to his new schedule. He would try his best not to leave the house. Not while you're home, at least. If there happened to be a Cooperative meeting while you were at the house, he'd do them over the phone or through Zoom, not wanting to leave you home alone.

Although you weren't the biggest fan of Michael, you started to find yourself taking everything he's told you about his father into consideration. However, whenever you did try to believe him, something was blocking you. Something in your body tried everything in its power to resist Michael and what he was telling you.

You're in your room, finishing up some homework when this inner conflict returns, without any will of your own. You rolled your eyes and held your stomach, questioning why you couldn't give Michael the benefit of the doubt. You truly want to, however, a wall comes up, preventing you from doing so. You sigh and shake your head. From here on out, you weren't going to worry about it anymore. It'd been a little while since he'd taken you into his home and you're still learning to live with him and to trust him.

"Trust will come with time and connection," you mutter to yourself, closing your homework tabs on your laptop. You sprung off of your bed and grabbed your white button-up. Setting up a canvas, you decided to paint for the rest of the afternoon. You threw on your button-up and began playing some music on your laptop.

Michael placed his phone down, exhaling as he leaned back into his chair, placing his hands behind his head and closing his eyes.

"Langdon?" Avery spoke as she knocked on Michael's door. Michael quickly adjusted his manner, clearing his throat.

"Yes- come in." The girl walked in, holding a mug.

"Ms. Mead asked me to bring you this tea," she said, placing the cup on his desk.

"Thank you." Michael weakly replied, taking a few sips out of the cup. Avery turned around before stopping herself.

"Langdon. Are you okay?" she asked. Michael placed the cup back down. "Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" She debated with herself for a moment before speaking up.

"I don't know. I guess you've just seemed a little off since that dinner with Y/N. Did she bother you in any way?"

"No... No, of course not."

"You don't seem so sure. I know you, Michael." Michael perked his head up at the sound of his first name being used by Avery.

"I'm okay. I promise."

"Well, if you want to talk, I'm here for you," Avery said with a warm smile.

"Thank you. I appreciate it." Right as Avery is about to leave his office, Michael calls out for her.

"Hey, actually- can you do something for me?"


You continued to hum along to the tune, swiping the paintbrush against the canvas when a knock is heard at your door. You place your brush down and turn the music down before opening your door.

"Oh, hey. Avery, right?" you say.


"Can I help you with something?" you smiled.

"Langdon just wanted me to check in on you. See how you were doing." Your eyes widen.

"Oh- well. I mean, I'm doing okay."

Devil's Touch ψ Michael LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now