1- snowy day cuddles

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!Fluff...hint of smut!

Shuichi had sat by the window all day watching little white snowflakes fall to the ground, some occasionally hitting the glass with a soft flutter when the wind would blow pretty hard. It's not that shuichi had never seen snow, but more like he just enjoys it, such as his fiance, Rantaro, is in love with watching rain fall and land on the window with a soft little pop sound. Something about these things put the two in a romantic type of mood. All they would do is annoy one another until one got tired of it and decided to cuddle. This time was a little different.

Rantaro made his way to the focused, feminine boy by the window and slowly wrapped his long arms around Shuichi's waist, burying his face into the crook of his neck. This little action could only make Shuichi giggle a little, letting out his 34rd sigh of calmness, or something along the lines of that. Maybe it was the cold weather but Rantaro felt more cuddly than usual, even though he hasn't seen anything rain related, unless the snow counts of course.

The green haired male began to plant little kisses to the blue haired boys neck, making sure to nip at it a little just hear Shuichi's usual little yelps. Though he couldn't see, he knew his face was bright red and boy was he right. The more Rantaro kissed the more his clingy feeling turned into a needy feeling. However his boyfriend look too calm, too focused to wanna do that right now, which of course he respected- I mean it's not like the man has a high sex drive or is sex crazed at the moment, just simply too affectionate.

"Baby...can I sit here and cuddle you? I won't talk much or bother you, I just need to be closer to you." All Shuichi did was nod at his boyfriend's soft but deeper than usual toned question, and Rantaro happily replied to the head nod by sitting right behind him, pulling the smaller back and onto his lap. Rantaro allowed his hands to drop from his waist to his thighs, his thumb gently rubbing them, moving from Shuichi's inner thighs to his outer thighs, and back into his inner thighs again. Due to Shuichi wearing only a pair of boxers and Rantaro's gray and black stripped shirt that was cutely too big on him, this action made it easy to tease his boyfriend to his delight as ling as Shuichi doesn't tell him to stop, though should he do that he has no problem moving his hands away, but Shuichi liked it, made him feel safer.

——— time skip ———

After hours of cuddling and occasional teasing, the two somehow ended up in the bed, tangled together. Rantaro had a panting and wore out, and especially sleepy Shuichi lying on top of him, his arms wrapped around his waist. Rantaro was pretty worn out too, not that you need to know the reason why, but it isn't hard to figure out.

It had been quite a while sjnce Rantaro was that slow and passionate, and the thought of that made Shuichi's eyes flutter with admiration. He loved Rantaro, the feeling of his skin against his with a warm, fluffy blanket thrown over on top of them, snd again the sight of snowflakes falling diwn to the ground and occasionally sticking to the window in their bedroom. Snow was ethereal, just as his boyfriend is. Snow is beautiful, just like Rantaro. Snow makes him feel so many emotions at once: from happy, to calm, to excited, and back to calm again. Everything about snow reminded him of Rantaro, and he's finally understanding why his live for snow is so strong.

"Hey, do you-" Shuichi was cut off by the sound of Rantaro snoring, not loudly. Shuichi could only lean up and kiss the tip of the tallers nose, smiling to himself as he watched him sleep, the admiration in his cloudy-gray eyes just sparkling, hell there are probably hearts in his eyes.

Shuichi has never felt happier to be with someone who is pretty opposite from himself, but he won't ever complain, he's lucky to have someone such as Rantaro Amami as a lover in his life.

||a.n: sorry its short, it is the first story and im still learning how they would be in a relationship, also yes i was gonna write smut but I didn't idk how to make rantaro act lamskjdsjnd this and the hinaegi book im coming out with are gonna be hard to make stories for ||

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