⚠𝑙𝑢𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 2⚠

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This is a continuation from part 1 so read part 1 first before reading this. I hope you enjoy this part.


The girls started walking up to me as i was reading.

"Look its the wannabe exchange student"one of the girls said as she snatch the textbook out of my hand. While the others laughed

i was shocked at the sudden action. Suddenly one of the girls grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me up. I yelped in pain as i felt someone grabbing the headphones off my head. One of them pushed me to the ground. Before i knew it i was being dragged by the wrist. As i was trying to process what was happening one of the girl that was walking infront of me had kicked me in my stomach. I groaned in pain. I was struggling to get out of the girls grasp. I heard a door open and before i could even think i was thrown and hit my head onto the sink. I scream in pain as i heard a bit of blood dripping onto the floors. I observed my surroundings when i realized i was in the girls bathroom.

3rd person POV:

When y/n realized where she was. She was kicked in the waist. Y/n scream loudly. One of the girls had punch y/n in the face making her quiet. Suddenly she was forcefully grab by the hair and thrown to one of the bathroom walls. Her back hitting the walls. She was forcefully grab again and one of the girls who was grabbing y/n started bashing her head against the wall staining the wall with y/n blood. The girl then grabbed y/n throat and holding her in the air causing y/n to suffocate. Y/n started coughing harshly. The girl then dropped y/n to the floor finally allowing y/n to breathe. Tears fell down y/n's face like a waterfall while y/n was sobbing.

"Look at this slut covered in blood and tears" the girl in front of y/n laugh as the others joined her

"She definitely deserves it for sleeping with the brothers" they all chuckled and laughed at the insult made towards y/n

"SHUT UP ALREADY" the girl in front y/n said as she slap y/n leaving a mark.

Y/n pov:
When the girl slap me. I when silent.

"She's even obedient" the girls chuckled.

My body was in so much pain. My head still being stained with blood along with my clothes. The girls proceed to bruises my body. One of the girls took out a box cutter from they pocket and bring the blade to my thighs cutting it deep causing it to bleed. She then proceed to cut different parts of my body. My body now being covered in my own blood. The bell rang indicating that lunch break was over. The girls left leaving me in the bathroom sitting in a puddle of my own blood. Before i knew it i had passed out on the cold bathroom floors.

(Time skip to when y/n woke up)

When i woke up i felt a massive rush of pain. I started sobbing again causing tears to fall to the floor. I reached into my pocket For my phone.

(Don't ask me why she has her phone with her anyways back to the story)

I checked the time. It was 1:30pm i realized i missed the whole period of literature. I was scared and shocked. I tried to get up but every time i move my body was in pain. I started walking trying to ignore the pain i was in. I looked at my phone seeing that i had 25 missed calls from lucifer and over a 1000 text from him asking me where i was. I remembered that he was in my literature class i knew that i would be scolded by him when the school day ended. I walked out of the bathroom heading to my locker, I felt really dizzy and i was in pain. I reach my locker. I unlock it then fell to the floor only to be caught by someone. I couldn't make out the face as my vision was blurry.

Lucifer pov:

I was looking everywhere for y/n causing me to miss literature. I was furious with y/n as she decided to skip literature without a valid reason. I searched the whole of rad for around 30 minutes. I called y/n and texted her but she didn't answer. I was making my way to the locker area just to see if y/n was there. To my surprise i saw y/n but she was covered in bruises, cuts and blood. I stared in shock. I saw y/n was about to fall and hit her head on the floor. I ran up to her caught y/n right before she fell to the ground. She looked terrible i tried asking her if she was okay and who did this to her. She didn't reply to any of my questions, i was worried for her. I ran to the house of lamentation as fast as i could. I laided y/n down on the couch as i called diavolo.

"Diavolo i found y/n skiping literature but when i found her she was in a terrible condition" i said to diavolo.

"I see. me and barbatos will come over to check on y/n once the school day is over." Diavolo replied to me.

I sighed as i ended the call with diavolo. I was terribly worried for y/n. I decided to clean up y/ns wounds and cuts and covered them in bandages.

I stayed by her side through out the school day. Doing my paperwork in the leaving room. While waiting for Diavolo to arrive with barbatos.

I heard a knock on the door. I made my way to the door and opened it to see Diavolo and barbatos in a serious look. I let them in and brought them to where i placed y/n.

"You weren't wrong when you said she was in a terrible condition" Diavolo said as he looked at y/n.

"May i take a look at her?" Barbatos said as Diavolo and i move to make way for barbatos.

Barbatos took a look at y/n bruises and scars. He brought a first aid kit and some new bandage as the old ones were covered in blood.
Barbatos then applied the medicine onto y/n wounds and scars and rewrapped them in clean bandages

"I request that we should bring y/n to the doctor to get her treated properly" Diavolo nodded agreeing to barbatos request. I took a minute to think about it and nodded in agreement. I carried y/n as we all made our way to the nearest doctor in devildom. We got an appointment ticket and waited our turn even though we were all worried sick to our stomachs. When the nurse called our number we all rush in the doctor office. The doctors as what happened to y/n in a worried and shocked tone.

"I found her in this state with cuts and bruises everywhere on her body" i told the doctor as he unwrap the bandages and took a good look at the scars and bruises. The doctor immediately started treating y/n as me,diavolo and barbatos stood there waiting for the doctor to finish treating y/n.

After the doctor was done treating y/n.
"I would recommend changing her bandages every 2-4 hours and applying this medicine on the wounds and cuts. Make sure she gets plenty of rest and water." The doctor said as well all nodded. I picked y/n up again as well made our way back to the hol.

"I think y/n shouldn't come to school for a week. To make sure she's fully recovered and well rested before she continues her studies in rad" Diavolo said as i nodded in agreement to this request. I pulled out my d.d.d and texted my brother about the sudden news and not to give y/n to much trouble. My brothers were worried sick for y/n and wouldn't stop blowing up my d.d.d . By the time we all made it back to the hol my brothers ran to the door to take a look a y/n. They started asking a lot of questions i told them i would tell them what happened after i put y/n back to her bed.

After getting away from the commotion downstairs i made my way up to y/n room and gently placed her on the bed. I quietly closed the door and made my way back downstairs.

"I found y/n in this condition by the lockers and the wounds and scars looked freshly made so it could only happened a few hours after i found her" i concluded.

"She also won't be attending rad for the week until she recovered and is well rested. I also like to add that give y/n time to rest you all can visit her in her room but only when she wakes up." Diavolo add to my conclusion.
Hey guys this is the end of part 2 there will be a part 3 so look out for that.
Follow my ig for updates on the book @devildom_simp

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