Chapter 1: So Much Of a Birthday/ Brooklyn

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I walked into the building of Washington Heights High School.
I didn't say anything to anyone, like most days. I saw my best friend or my only friend as I approached her.

"Hey, Brookie boo!" My best friend Justice said as she hugged me.

"Hey Justice." I dryly replied.

"What's wrong with you?" She scrunched her face up.

"Nothing." I said with no emotion.

"Yes it is. What's wrong? I know you didn't think I forgot your birthday. Did ya?" She said causing me to smile.

"Ahh, there's the spirit! Happy birthday babe!" She giggled as she hugged me. "I got you something."

"What is it?" I said as my eyes lit up with excitement.

She then pulled out a small box that was wrapped up in wrapping paper. She gave it to me and I tore off the paper like a Tazmanian Devil.

"Slow down chile. The box isn't going anywhere." She giggled as I joined her.

When I opened the box it contained a pair of diamond earrings & a diamond necklace that matched. My parents have NEVER gave me anything like this.

"Oh my gosh! Justice, this is so sweet of you. Thank you so much!" I smiled as I hugged her tightly.

The warning bell rung meaning that we only had one minute left to get to class.

"I'll see you at lunch boo!" Justice said to me as she walked to her homeroom class.

I walked to my class quickly so I wouldn't be tardy. My teacher, Ms. Applebaum, (Yes, I took her last name from the song "Bonita Applebaum" by A Tribe Called Quest. Lol) is so petty. I remember one time I was two doors down from her class and the tardy bell rang, when I reached her classroom, she shut the door right in my face & sent me to the office. What a bitch?

I made it to her class in time because soon as I sat down the bell rung.

"Good morning class." Ms. Applebaum said as she smiled.

I had a look of concern on my face because usually she was always angry & never said anything to us except when she took roll.

"Well today is a special day for someone in our class." She stated.

I immediately felt embarrassed.

I'm not like the other kids. I've never really celebrated my birthday or even acknowledged my birthday since my parents really didn't give one single fuck about me. I've never received anything on my birthday before until today. So that was totally new and exciting for me.

"Well, I would like to say happy birthday to Brooklyn." She smiled looking directly at me.

I gave her a nervous smile as I looked down at my ran over shoes.

"Thank you." I said lowly but loud enough for her to hear.

"I've brought doughnuts & juice this morning for you and the whole class." She said enthusiastically.

I just gave her a smile.

"You can come get yours first and everyone can get their after you. " she smiled.

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