Chapter - 4

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Chapter - 4
Rude outside but feeling inside
Avu - What an idiot man he was taking interviews is wastage of time for him
At Sid's side
Sid - Pione I never want that girl roaming around my office also is it OK😠
P - si.. r
Sid- Good now leave
Pione left
At Avu's home
SA- Avu your father had came from London
Avu - But why
SA - What do you mean by why
Avu- Mom I am damn sure that he came back for  my marriage I know he never wants me to live with you
SA - But Avu
Avu - Mom listen I will not do this marriage and all
SA - See avu u know ur father when he will be infront of u naked you also not able to alter a word
Avu - But mom I am only 24 it is not the right time for my marriage
SA - Sorry beta but my hands are tied
Avu - No mom don't be sorry
AU - Avu see today ur laws are coming to see you
Avu - Mr Aman nandra I don't want to marry.
AU - how dare to call me by my name u forget I am ur father
Avu - No u are not
She went to her room
At Sid's side
VA - Sid see today we are going to seeing the girl for u
Sid - Mom I don't want to marry u know na
VA - For me plzz
Sid - But mom (VA cuts him)
VA - I think you don't love me 😭😭
Sid - OK mom I am ready

That's all for today hope u liked this chapter
30+votes and 15+comment
Bye 👋

Rude Outside But Feeling InsideWhere stories live. Discover now