amusement park

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Laila came back to her room she started crying .  She hate herself . She hate herself for loving him.  She hate herself not able to tell her kids that arhaan is there father. There father is in front of them and they call him uncle.
Arhaan came to her room . Your kids are in garden I have a meeting   I will be going to office so go and keep an eye on them.

Can we leave now , you got your revenge  , please leave my mom . Please let us go I will never show you my face again .

I cant allow it darling  . I am not done with you. Arhaan said.

Laila stood from chair she came near arhaan she knelt down folding her hands . She said I am sorry for slapping you , I am sorry for stopping you from kissing , I am sorry . I am sorry  I am sorry Arhaan . Please leave me and my kids alone . You got what you wanted .

You will leave this house when I want you to leave . Dont worry i am not going to trap you for year. Why dont you call those bastards father to save you from your misery . May be he will be able to bargain you and your kids freedom.

After hearing what he called her kids she stood up . Looked straight into his eyes and said I curse you Arhaan rai that one day  you  loose everything which you cherish most in life .

Arhaan smiled at her statement and said there is no power in this world which can take away something mine.

With arhaan left her room he got ready for office .

Laila went to garden her boys were playing . She joined them .she cant run as she is still weak but she became refree of there catch the ball game.

The house was filled with laughs .

Arhaan came down all dressed up .
He told laila to cook food and  clean the house.

By evening laila was done with her cleaning . In afternoon she cooked food for boys and after having there lunch they all went to sleep. She cleaned entire house .

She was preparing dinner when she heard door opening.
Just like yesterday tanya was there with him . I dont understand didnt arhaan told her to leave what is she doing here now .

Arhaan baby why you have kept such filth in your house her presence is polluting the fresh air of this house.
Arhaan smiled and told her she is here to compensate for her boyfriend  loan. And her mother's hospital bills.

Laila ignored his words.  All three boys came from garden after a good session of game. They all went kitchen . And screaming food food .

Laila went to kitchen and asked boys to wash themselves she took them one by one ti bathroom washed them changed there clothes . And went to kitchen to finish sh her dinner preparation .
Boys sat one by one in dining table .
Laila served them food.
Just when nabh was about to have his first bite . Tanya came snatched his plate away from him .
Dont your mother taught you  manners . Hey maid tell your boys to eat after master have finished there food.

Arhaan entered dining area . Tanya served him food all kids saw them eating food . They were starving . Laila couldnt do any thing for her kids .
Arhaan asked why you guys not having food . Aunty told us to eat after you finish .  That's good aunty is teaching you lad manners huh. I doubt your mother have taught any of it. His comment angered laila.
After they finish food. Laila served boys food .
Mommy I am starving serve me fast nelith yelled.
They had there dinner . Post that boys requested to watch movie . Laila said no they cant watch.
No mommy I want to watch Nemo.  Please neal said  .

Laila with lots of courage went to Arhaan asking if boys can use hall tv to watch movie .
Before arhaan could reply . Tanya said tell your boys it's not there father's home .

Arhaan looked at her and said you got your answer now get out.

Laila came down kids asked mommy shall we go watch movie .
Laila with very heavy as she know this will break her boys heart she said no.
But I promise that tomorrow we I will take you to a place where you always wanted to go but haven't gone till now .
All the boys eagerly asked where
Amusement  park ! Laila exclaimed .
All three clapped in joy .
Ok so now let go and sleep.

Next day morning
Before everyone laila woke up . After she  freshens  up she went to kitchen she cooked  breakfast.  Arhaan came in the kitchen  hold her  from back and started nibbling  her ears . He turned her around to face him . He kissed her so hard . Blood from her lips started oozing out  . She pushed him away . She was about to slap him when half sleepy nelith came to kitchen .
Mommy ... mommy...
She rushed towards him picked him took him to washroom washed his face . And brought  back him to kitchen
Arhaan was still there . Nelith said good morning uncle .

Why so early champ . What's so special today your mommy woke up early you woke up early .
Nelith coming out of his sleepy mood . Exclaimed mommy is taking us to amusement park!

Arhaan looke at laila and asked her with whose permission . I dont need your permission to spend day with my kids.

Well technically  you are my employee if you want to go out you have to take leave from me.
And I am not allowing you to go out.
Tears start forming in laila's eye before they drop . She left kitchen with Nelith .

After some time all three kids were ready.
Laila went  to dining area . Tanya and Arhaan were already present .
Arhaan asked laila to serve them food .
She served food .
Tanya went to his room to bring something .
Laila asked Arhaan  can I take boys to amusement park . Please ! I promised them . Last night also  you broke there heart . They are kids dont punish them they are just 3 year old.

I know they are kids and innocent but you know what they suffering because of there parents karma . Arhaan stated .

Ok we won't go laila agreed .

Arhaan and Tanya left for there office .

When Arhaan  was in office security of his penthouse  informed him that laila and kid left . Arhaan got angry he send her number to his security head to track it down . He cancelled  his all meeting and straight away  went to where she is .
He saw simi and laila in water slide with kids. He got angry . He came home .

After 3 hours laila and simi came home with kids . All the boys terribly tired .
When she entered she saw Arhaan sitting in sofa. His face expression say that he is angry.
Laila asked simi to take kids to bed . They both took kids to her room . As soon they hit bed they fell into deep sleep.
She told simi thank you and asked her to leave .

She came to kitchen . Started cooking food for him. Arhaan entered kitchen asked her very calmly where she went .
She told him she dont need his permission  to make her kids happy .

Arhaan hold her wrist drag her to his room .

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