Chapter 1

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Sonic's pov:

Hi I'm Sonic and today is our final exams for the 9th grade.  I'm not ready to take it at all.  When I walked to my locker to get my things for the test, I looked to the right and saw this really handsome hedgehog that I had a crush on.  His name is Shadow, he sits in front of me in the hour i take my test.  Also he is the captain of the football team.  I mean come on, all captains of a football team are hot (most of them)  Anyway I couldn't help myself but stare at his gorgous body, until he looked in my direction and I quickly turned away.  I hope he didn't notice me staring.  He came to me and I was starting to get nervous.  "Hey Sonic, um ready for the exam today?"  His voice is even hot fuck Sonic don't screw this up for yourself.  "Uh I mean I'm really nervous about it."  "Yeah same, well I just wanted to ask, um I will see you later."  "Uh yeah b-bye Shadow."  He waved goodbye and walked off.  What the hell just happened?  He talked to me?  I thought I saw him blush but that just might be me. 

Shadow's pov:

When I told Sonic bye I blushed a little but tried not to show it.  I had my buds with me and they noticed my blushing.  " Hey dude, why you blushing?"  Infinite asked.  "Uh um nothing no reason."  I gave them an awkward smile and none of them were buying it.  "Shadow, hon, you can tell us anything."  Rouge told me with a smile.  I sighed and told them that I had a huge crush on Sonic and we never really talked much but I would like to be friends with him.  "Shadow you-your gay?!"  They all looked at me stunned but I corrected Rouge.  "Actually I'm bi"  "why haven't you told us this before?"  "I was just worried about what you guys would think.  I didn't want to lose my only friends I have."  I told them (and yes Shadow is a softie) "Bro your awesome we would never stop being friends with you even if your bi."  "Thanks guys"  They all gave me a thumbs up.  We went to our seperate classes and found Sonic sitting in his seat behind mine.  I blushed from looking at him and stepped inside the classroom. 

Sonic's pov:

I saw Shadow walking in and started to sit down.  I couldn't help but looking at his ass when he started to sit down.  Stop Sonic this is getting out of control.  I stopped looking at him when the teacher took role, gave out the papers, and said the instructions for the test. 
Time passed- we were done taking the test and it was almost time to go to lunch.  (They took sessions)  I wanted to talk to Shadow since he talked to me earlier this morning, I tapped his shoulder and he turned around.  " H-hey Shadow, um how did you do on the test?"  "Eh, it was alright I guess.  I got stuck on the math part hehe"  "yeah me too"  "So Sonic, my birthday party is in two weeks and if you want you can come over.  Its gonna be on May 4th.  Here is my number."  I got really happy and said thanks.

Shadow's pov:

I couldn't wait for my birthday to come.  I had butterflies in my stomach when I gave him my number.  When it was time to go home, I asked Sonic if I could walk with him. Luckily he agreed and we started walking home.  We talked about my party for a little while until I saw my house.  I was telling Sonic bye until two pairs of arms wrapped around me.  I looked behind me and saw Sonic hugging me.  I hugged back and said, "Thanks Sonic I liked it."  He blushed a lot, which was cute and he told me happy early birthday.  I went inside my house and headed to my room.  My mom asked how school went and I said that it was fine.  I quickly went to my room, set my phone on the bed, and waited for a message from Sonic.  I heard two sounds of my notifications and I excitedly turned it on to find out that ny mom asked what I wanted for dinner and some non important thing.  *sigh* " Come on Sonic, say something."

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