Chapter 2

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Hey y'alls! I know, I know. Another chapter so fast! I'm just trying to make up for having writer's block for so long and not writing the second chapter for such a long period of time between the prologue and first chapter. I have no idea how long this chapter will be. but I guess we'll find out. :)

Chapter 2

The rhythm of the engine was beginning to slow down just as I began waking up. I slowly open my eyes to find a pink, sky that is ready for black to take over. After I hear the man from before get out of the truck, I peer over the edge of the back of the pickup.

We're next to a small cabin, surrounded by dense woods. After making sure the coast is clear, I hop out of the back of the truck and take the moment to stretch a little. I take a look around a little more and find an old shed that doesn't look like it's being used for much.

"I'll have to stay here for the night," I say to myself. "I wouldn't want to be roaming around the woods when it's dark out." After taking a look at the shed door, it's obvious that I won't be able to get in very easily. There is a giant, rusty lock keeping it bolted shut. I take the time to walk around the outside of the shed and discover a hole in the wood just big enough so that I can slip inside.

My eyes had to adjust once I was inside. It was extremely messy inside and was full of little things like gears, tools, and old, broken toys. I'd just need to find somewhere a little more comfortable than the back of a truck to sleep in tonight. Who knows how long I was in that pickup. All I know is that it gave me a serious crook in my neck.

I manage to find a pile of old clothes that I can use as a pillow. In order to make enough room for me to spread out while I slept. The ground was a little cold;but hey, it's a place to sleep, right? At least it's better than being stuck at the stupid house with my father.

Since I slept in the back of the pickup on the way here, it took me a while before I actually became tired. To pass the time. took a look at all of the nifty little things lying around. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the most graceful person in such a filled room, so I wasn't surprised at how many things I knocked over. All of the forest wildlife must be wondering what's going on in here.

Finally, I manage to become tired enough to fall asleep, but sleep can come over me I notice a picture stuck under a small box. Once it freed, the picture revealed a happy-looking family. In the picture there is a smiling couple with two children standing besides them. The children look about the same age:one is a boy, and the other is a girl. The boy has some missing teeth in his smile while the girl just looks like she wants to get the picture over with.

My eyes finally fall on the couple in the picture. I realize that the man in the photo was the owner of the truck outside. The woman beside him must be his wife. Looking at the woman's face makes me think of my mom. The memories of her are mostly fond ones until the last ones when she left. Setting the picture down, I lie down with my head resting on my makeshift pillow. I force my eyes shut and just breathe in and out through my nose. These were memories I didn't want to bring back up. I just want to forget.

I finally manage to fall asleep. Even still, it was while I was thinking about Mom, and how my father had treated her in the days leading up to her departure. Every time I think about it I just want to stab my father for being such a jackass;however, that's already done and over with. For now I just need to relax and sleep. I have a feeling that I'm going to have a long journey ahead of me.

To everyone who is still reading this, I give you a virtual hug for sticking with me so far. This chapter was kind of short, but I needed to add in something leading up to what I plan for the next one. You're to be learning a lot about Jack and his childhood in the upcoming chapters. :)

Speaking of childhoods, I'm starting a new book called Childhood Chatrooms. It is going to utilize my many funny-and embarrassing-stories from when I was a kid. As soon as I get some more chapters in it you will be sure to laugh about it.

So, until my next chapter in Blood Incantations comes out, I will bid you ado.
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Yours Truly,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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