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We got a knock at the door and it was Lili. She was crying saying that she is worried. She said she didnt know who the babies father was because she has hooked up with Reggie one night.  And Greyson honestly freaked out. She was like how could you Lili but we told her to get a dna test done so she did. Greyson: " Can you belive her." Lea: " Well yea i can she told me she had a crush on him."  Greyson: " Well i just hope when i get pregnant it is not Jadens." Lea: " It probably wont be." They get a call from Lili saying it is 100% Reggies baby and that we have to tell Reggie.

SO I go on to tell Reggie. Reggie: " WHAT THE HELL how we used protection."  Lea: " Well um sometimes the protection does not work." Greyson: " Dude what the hell and while we were dating as well, what an ass hat you are."  Reggie: " Im sorry." Lea: " Hey both of you stop, Reggie you need to go talk to Lili."  So he goes to talk to Lili and they decide that they will do shared custody Lili gets the week and Reggie gets Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Me and Cole are still pretty shocked that it is Reggies baby. Anyways later that night we went to a restaurant and got a cheese pizza and a boodle of red wine. Later that night we go home and me and Cole have sex.

In the morning i wake up feeling a little scared because we did not use protection but them i remembered i was on birth control. Later that day i drink some water to make up what I had just threw up in the toilet.  And i had a headache so i was just gonna go lay in bed and watch Riverdale. I had heard that Greyson and somewon had sex last night as well but i go and get her and i see Reggie laying next to her in the bed. I am horrified. Lea: " Hey Greyson could you- AHHHHHHHHHHHH." Greyson: " SHIT GET OUT.'' And they Reggie leaves. I ask her what happened and she said that she got drunk but they did not use protection either but i told her she is on birth control so its fine.

We basically lay in bed all day and keep throwing up but we think its from the hangover we have. But the next day i throw up in the ocean as i was taking a swim. So i text Cole and ask him to bring me some soup. He says ok like a good boyfriend but then later I end up throwing it up i am a bit concerned and so is Greyson so we try and not eat a lot as to not throw up. And we end up sleeping the whole day. We wake up go for a walk and all the sudden im craving grilled lettuce pizza so we go and get some and i dont throw it up. Me and Cole had been dating for about a year. And i know that seems crazy but we have.

I hear Greyson tell me that Reggie does not want any custody of the baby so Lili gets full custody. Which she was ok with because she honestly really wanted Reggie back. Lea: " Are you gonna dump jaden already?" Greyson: " Umm I already dumped him me and Reggie are dating." Lea: " OMFG Im so happy for you." Greyson: " But im a little worried i have been throwing up a lot since i had sex with reggie." Lea: " Same." Greyson: " We should take pregnancy tests." Lea: " good idea." We walk to the nearst store buy some clear blue pregnancy tests. We get back and we use the bathroom. Lea: " Dude im so scare if I have a baby im 100% gonna keep it." Greyson: " Same." Lea: " But then we would have to tell the guys and im sure they would be happy." Greyson: "  Yea they really would." Lea: " I would just be worried about having multiples." Greyson: " Yea same i really am worried about-." Lea: " - THE TIMER WENT OFF." Greyson and Lea: " My test says that im..."

Passion -  Cole SprouseWhere stories live. Discover now