||God gonna trouble the water||

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season 5 episode 7

Blair and Xavier wake up scared wanting to see their Aunt

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Blair and Xavier wake up scared wanting to see their Aunt.

"Aunt Indra?"Xavier asks and gets up Blair wakes barley scared freya was there.

"Xavier and Blair."

"Aunt Indra?"The two asked scarcely and freya sits on in there bed. "I'm here."

"What happened? Where is she? Is my mom okay? Is Aunt Hayley okay?"Blair asks scarcely.

"Breathe you both are safe now your mom is at home and Hayley also they just didn't wanna tell you this."Freya said calming her down.

"Then Where is My Aunt!"Blair said and lights turn off Xavier looks down.

"She's gone."Freya said to them.

"No, No, No. No, No."Xavier and Blair said sobbing their favorite family member just died the two cry in their Aunt Freya arms the two sobs.


Ophelia was in crying while her own sister she wanted to know her entire life is gone she sees Hayley coming out of the rest room.

"Are you okay?"Hayley asks her and she nods yes.

"Fine, no. I didn't even wanna tell my kids that their Aunt they've grown up with just died instead I just told Freya to tell them."Ophelia said and Hayley drops a tear.

"I know. Indra was very close to everyone in the family especially the twins."Hayley said calming her down.

"I know, that's why I feel bad for them I can't believe they only killed her because she was hybrid it should've been me."Ophelia speaks and Hayley nods no.

"Your sister is in peace she's glad it wasn't you one day we're all see her she's probably seeing your parents so just calm down your kids are gonna get used to it."Hayley says to her best friend they hug and she goes back to her room and changes.


Blair gets up her mascara is already ruin from crying all night she grabs her clothes and looks at the picture of her aunt indra she smiles.


Ophelia and Marcel came out inside of the house and marcel follows her behind and speaks to her.

"What are you doing? This is exactly what you wanted. You can get Elijah back."Marcel says to her.

"Elijah is dead to me."

"Oh, come on. You say that, but you don't mean that."Marcel yells Ophelia gets mad and looks at him.

"Enough! He let my sister die. Klaus could've saved her, but he stopped him. You didn't see her face, Marcel. She looked right at him. She thought Elijah was gonna save her and us and now, She's dead and I will never forgive him, The twins and hope will be landing soon. I need to tell klaus to go."Ophelia said angrily.


Funerary music start playing Blair was wearing a dress while Xavier was wearing an suit Hope and Hayley couldn't make it they we're having their time while Ophelia and Freya
we're with them.

"Where's dad, mom."Blair asks her mom and she looks around looking for her father while Ophelia looks at people celebrate.

"He'll be here soon. He's just waiting on Ivy to help him with astral projection."Ophelia said to her daughter.

"Everyone else?"Xavier asked her.

"Marcel should be here, Vincent. There's Josh."Freya said and waves at josh as he does the same. "What about Declan?"Xavier asked Freya and Ophelia say nothing.

"Please someone told Declan you got to be kidding me."Blair says rudely and looks down.

"He's at Ireland. I-I was so focused on everyone else.."Freya said and gets cut off by Ophelia.

"Oh, My God, Freya."Ophelia says to her and Freya told her that she'll be waiting for her and hope and hayley comes in.

"We're here where's klaus?"Hayley asked and looks everyone and sees josh she waves back at him.

"Are you okay?"Hope asks Ophelia she nods yes the two hug they kept on walking around.

"This is all wrong, She didn't even know all theses people."Blair says looking around the city and Hayley says something.

"Your aunt made a mark on this city long time ago people loved her. Everyone here to honor her."Hayley said to her and Blair says something.

"But where are all of her friends?"Xavier asked Freya phone rings while the two talk the twins and hope walk together. "Klaus what are you doing here?"Ophelia asks Klaus he kisses her and she does the same.

"Where's the twins and hope?"Klaus asks her Hayley and Ophelia call the twins and hope , while Xavier and Hope go over there.

"Blair, we've got to get out of here now."Freya said getting scared while the vampires try to kill everyone.

"No. I said no this already sucks though look I'm not gonna let them ruin my aunt funeral."Blair says to her she does magic pushing her off. "Blair!"

"Bruciare supe terram, faciemdo!"Blair said chanting the truck goes on fire while thru keep on calling her they try to kill her while she chants again.



Blair and Xavier see their mom crying over her sister and aunt they went to the crescent furneal while hope and freya we're talking.

"Indra Atonal was my sister an sister I've always wanted but people will forget you but they won't forget how you made them feel she was an nice person."Ophelia said she fires her ashes.

"Good Bye, Aunt Indra."Blair said,cries klaus comes in and holds her hands also klaus holds hands with them while klaus already talked to Hope.

"What are you doing here, dad? You can't be here."Blair said to her father.

"Yes I can. Just for a moment I love you two."Klaus said Blair and Xavier watch the people leave already.

"I'll always be here for both of you and your sister even though I'm not with you Freya will allow us together with her magic."Klaus says to them.

"You have to know this is the last time we can do this together."Klaus said to his children they cry the hug while Thunders.

"I'm gonna fix this for us. You should go."Xavier said to him.

"One minute I love you two and your sister."He said to her.

"We love you two."She said crying klaus gets his neck snapped.

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