Chapter 4 - an incident

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——hey everyone! Author here, I have named the indominus rex Zephre, for future reference.——

I felt something wet and sticky touch my hand, the substance coating my palm in its warmth. My eyes twitched open at the strange sensation.

As I opened my eyes, I let them adjust to the light and surroundings. When my vision became clear I saw that Zephre was not on my lap. A strange sound was heard behind me, the crunching of bones and flesh, the sticky substance was none other than blood. My heart started to thump and my breath became quicker. I had forgotten Zephre was a flesh eating carnivore, a creature that can kill me in seconds.

I gulped, trying not to panic I turned around slowly.


I saw Zephre's white tail swing side to side as he ate his sibling, the other egg that hatched in the lab. Her chest was gutted and her neck twisted back. I covered my mouth. My eyes glued at the sight of him eating his sister. I silently screamed, not being able to contain my terror.

The crunching silenced as his wagging tail stopped swaying. His head slowly lifted up, turning my direction when he heard my quiet scream. He had no ordinary hearing, sharper than a velociraptor's.

His eyes fell upon my figure, blood dripping off his clenched jaw.Blazing eyes glaring at me. A thumping of a steel door was heard a few meters away, faint to the human ear. Zephre's gaze softened as he realised it was just me in this enclosure. I stared into his fiery orbs, feeling like my mind was being driven into a black hole of uncertainty.

A loud bang was heard from the entrance as a group of men loaded with weapons stormed in. I jumped back at the sudden sound of guns firing. Tranquilliser bullets pierced through Zephre's skin, as he screeched at the men. He hit a group of them with his tail as they all flew back.

"Grab hold of it's tail!" The group of men leaped towards Zephre. They each took hold of his tail and pinned him down. Before he could turn his head towards the men, he was injected with a needle containing fluid.

His body fell limp as his head collapsed on the floor, the 4 men released their grip off his tail.

I felt a sharp pain in my arm as I saw a tranquilliser bullet struck me. One of the guards had missed and a bullet came my way. I started to feel light headed as darkness filled my view. Collapsing next to the eaten indominus rex, the look of fear and terror still reflected off its motionless eyes.

Why would Zephre kill his own sister?

Why didn't he kill me?

Why did those guards only come now?

Why didn't they see me behind Zephre?


———sorry for the short chapter guys! I will try and find more time for me to update >_> ———

Contained - yandere indominus rexWhere stories live. Discover now