Chapter 1: The beginning

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3rd POV

Madara and Hashirama had agreed to peace between them and signed a peace treaty. The war between the Uchiha and the Senju had just ended. Madara and Hashirama were walking away from the battlefield. Hashirama was just glad that the long war was finally over between the Senju and the Uchiha and that he and Madara could finally build their village that they had dreamed about since they were children.

Madara walked along side Hashirama wondering if he let his brother, Izuna, down. Izuna had warned him of the Senju, but he went ahead and made a peace treaty anyway. His brother's death was still haunting him, and he wanted to kill Tobirama for what he did to his brother...

Madara and Hashirama were scoping out good areas to build their village when they heard a cry of desperation and sadness. Madara and Hashirama shared a knowing look and went to go find the source of the noise. The looked around for a bit while the crying only got louder. They finally found the source of the loud noise behind a tree.

There was a baby behind the tree. The baby was looking around frantically, for what was believed to be, it's mother. As soon as the baby saw Madara and Hashirama it made a grabbing motion with its hands. Hashirama went to pick the baby up, but it screamed and cried louder turning to Madara to continuing making the grabbing motion.

Madara was extremely surprised because usually babies wanted nothing to do with him and were terrified of him. He picked up the baby and the crying was no more, only small sniffling noises. The baby had black tuffs of hair and a beauty mark underneath their right eye. Hashirama found a note on the ground close to where they had found the baby.

Hashirama looked back at Madara and the baby, who was making happy noises now, and showed him the note. "You should open it." Madara said. The note said that the baby was one years old, an Uchiha, was female, and was named Akari. The note said that the parents were being chased for one of their bloodlines and wanted their baby to have a good life.

The note begged whoever had found it to take care of Akari because they couldn't. Hashirama frowned and showed Madara the note. The baby, or Akari, was not happy about Hashirama coming close to her because she thought that Hashirama would try to take her away from Madara. She was clinging on the Madara like her life depended on it and Madara, surprisingly, didn't try to stop her from being close to him.

Madara took the note and Akari calmed down when Hashirama stepped away from the both of them. Madara read the note and frowned. He took one look at Akari looking up at him with a happy smile and then back at the note. Madara sighed, and after a while, finally said something. "I'll take care of her." Hashirama looked at Madara with a shocked look. After Hashirama got over his shock he got a soft smile on his face. Madara looked flustered and didn't want Hashirama to peg him as weak. 

"Hn, it's not like you could take care of a child." Hashirama ended up becoming the uncle after pestering Madara nonstop. Madara and Hashirama built a village, later named Konoha, with a small Akari at their side.

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