Everything Takes Time

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I didn't want to go with him. I could smell a predator in his scent, though I couldn't put my paw on what exactly he was. Either way, I wasn't going to let him near my pup. Not a chance in hell. In fact, as soon as they got another one of those darn wire leashes around my neck I snapped my puppy up with a warning growl for anyone who thought to try and take him back. No one bothered with him though, and they also gave us a wide berth, letting me walk on my own as long as I didn't pull on the noose-like leash.

"We'll load him up now and get the paperwork sent to you. Normally we have to get everything done here, but he's not a dog, so we have to make some calls to see how the situation is going to be handled. I'm fairly certain that, considering his temperament, he won't be able to go into an orphanage or normal foster home if he's under eighteen, so for now we'll see how he does with you and your daughter."

I glanced up at the man as he walked a few feet ahead next to the woman talking. His daughter was walking beside me, making me a little apprehensive, but she didn't try to touch my pup so I didn't bother with her. The two in front of us continued talking until we were out in the parking lot. 

Ah. Fresh air.

It felt amazing to get out of that stuffy building that smelled of feces and desperation. A few raindrops began to fall as an animal control officer got the back of the truck they used to transport animals open, then opened up one of the bigger cages. I hopped in right away, knowing that I would be shoved in if I didn't, and that was a risk to my pup I wasn't going to take. There was a big difference between being stubborn and stupid.

They had put a towel down in the cage so I was at least grateful for the kindness and quickly got myself and my pup situated on it. The door was closed by the officer after I was comfortable and then he carefully shut the back doors so that they didn't slam. Again, appreciated. Pretty soon we were on the road. It wasn't quite to any kind of freedom, but even being transferred to another cage outside would be better than the shelter, so I wasn't worried.


"I'm very proud of you, Jess." I said as I got us headed towards home. The shelter workers had gotten Sam and his puppy loaded up in one of their special vans and also had a constructable-kennel put in the storage part of it.

"Thanks, daddy. And thank you for doggy!"

Grinning, I held back a quiet laugh and just decided to nod. "You're welcome." She wouldn't understand if I told her that he was a shapeshifter right away, so it was best to just wait for him to change and show her himself. I wasn't sure when that would happen since he seemed to have trouble with it, but hopefully it will happen soon. I really wanted to get some information from him but going through my daughter wouldn't work very well. 

"Daddy, can I name the puppy? Pleaseee?"

Uh oh. What was I supposed to say to that? It wasn't technically my puppy to let her name. It was Sam's. Ah, that's it. Turning my blinker on to take a right turn, I spared a glance in the rear-view mirror at her. "You'll have to ask Sam about that. Remember, it's his baby and a name is very important to a parent."

My words had me remembering when we had named Jess. My wife and I. That was definitely a memory I cherished and I wouldn't take that from Sam. Even if the guy was being an ass. He had a right to be upset, though I didn't know any of his story yet. I had hope that we would eventually be able to get him back to himself.

Smiling to myself, I pulled my car into the driveway of my home and hopped out as my daughter did so in the back. The shelter staff were already in the backyard working, since their vehicle was here and the fence was open. We headed back there and I was surprised to see the kennel already partially set up. It wasn't huge, but it was big enough. I walked over to help hold certain pieces and do whatever was needed. That got the thing built much faster, and right as we finished two others came in from the gate entrance carrying a small doghouse. 

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